


When material types are required in the config file they can be given as a bukkit name (either case) or an ID number. Use ':' to specify byte codes for blocks. Here are some examples

  • cobblestone For cobble
  • smooth_brick:1 For mossy smooth bricks
  • wool:3 For light blue wool
  • wood:3 For jungle wood planks
  • 42 For a block of iron


<type>:<data>:<chance> <amount> <parameters>

  • Type: the material type. You can use both the material-name and the ID for this. IDs are recommended as names may not always match.
  • Data: The data-value of the item. For instance 35:14 where 35 implies the material type, in this case wool, and 14 the wool color
  • Chance: The chance of finding this item inside a lootchest
  • Amount: Can be either 10 or 5-10. Can be any number. 10 being constant 10 of said item when spawned, or 5-10 being any random number of 5 to 10 or between.
  • Parameters: Parameters are extra data that can be added to an item. They are optional and do not have to be added to an item. Simply list all parameters behind the item. Format:
  • <type>:<data>:<chance> <amount> <parameter1> <parameter2> <parameter3> etc...

Parameter types:

  • name:<name> Set the display-name of an item
  • lore:<line1>|<line2>|<line3>| etc... Set the lore of an item
  • <enchantment>:<level> Add an enchantment. Just like with material types you can choose to use an ID or the enchantment name. IDs are recommended as not all names will work. For a list of valid IDs and names, head over to


  • <potionType>:<level>:<time> Add a potion effect, unlike material types and enchantments you'll have to add the full potion name. For a list of valid names please head over to
  • Time is in seconds.

NOTE: Do NOT use spaces within a single parameter. Use a _ instead. (the plugin will replace these with spaces in a text)


Admin.emptyChestonDeletetrueAll chests underground inside dungeons are emptied if a dungeon is being deleted. However when false this attribute allows any chests on the surface (in the "hut") spill onto the ground rather than being emptied (Boolean).
Admin.SecretDoorOnlyInDungeontrueSet this to false if you want the Catacombs secret door mechanism to work on pistons across the entire map rather than just in dungeons (Boolean). Don't set this false if your server has a finely balanced economy because the mechanism is susceptible to an exploit
Admin.GoldOfffalseSet this true if you don't want to give players cash for killing monsters in dungeons. (Boolean)
Admin.ProtectSpawnerstrueWhen false players can destroy spawners in dungeons (Boolean), however there is currently no mechanism to rebuild them once they have been destroyed so this option is only useful for one-time dungeons.
Admin.SaveDungeonstrueRemoved in v2.4
Admin.RespawnInHutfalseWhen true causes players killed in dungeons to respawn in the hut above the dungeon rather than their natural spawn location (Boolean)
Admin.NoPvPInDungeontrueLeave this true to prevent groups of players accidentally hitting each other while exploring together in dungeons (Boolean). Set it false if you want your regular server player vs. player rules to apply in dungeons
Admin.NoArmourInDungeonfalseIf true it prevents player entering dungeons in armour (Boolean). If they try to go down to the first level they'll be teleported out. They won't be able to put armour on inside
Admin.MobsSpawnOnlyUndergroundfalseSet this to true if you'd like to prevent monsters spawning right across the surface of your worlds (Boolean). Monsters will still spawn under trees, overhangs, caves, dungeons, fortresses and catacombs
Admin.MobsSpawnOnlyInDungeonsfalseSet this to true if you don't want any monsters spawning except in catacombs (Boolean).
Admin.EconomyanyUse this to control which economy plugin Catacombs uses if you have several installed
Admin.ClickIronDoorfalseSet to true if you want players in dungeons to be able to open iron doors by right (or left) clicking on them (Boolean)
Admin.Death.GearCost25The amount of cash a player must pay each time they die (to retain their equipment) (integer). If they can't afford to pay their equipment will drop to the ground in at the location they died when they respawn. Set it to 0 to make keeping equipment free.
Admin.Death.KeepGeartrueSet it to false if you want players to drop their equipment on the ground when they die in a dungeon (Boolean).
Admin.Death.ExpKept0.85The fraction of a players current experience level they keep when they die in a dungeon (decimal). Set it to 1.0 to keep their current level. Any progress towards the next level will always be lost when a player dies.
Admin.BannedCommands/spawn /kill /warp /setwarp /homeA list of commands that players aren't permitted to use inside a dungeon (String List)
Admin.Breakabletorch red_mushroom brown_mushroom webA list of the blocks that players are permitted to break when they are in an enabled dungeon (Material List).
Admin.PlaceabletorchA list of the blocks that players are permitted to place when they are in an enabled dungeon (Material List).
Admin.Patches.DoorFixDonetrueA flag that indicates that Catacombs has fixed the door hinge locations inside all dungeons in the aftermath of the changes to doors in Minecraft 1.2.x (Boolean). If you set this to false Catacombs will run the door hinge fixing code once more as the server is starting (all dungeon doors will close as a side effect of this action)
Admin.Patches.SecretDoorFixDonetrueA flag that indicates that Catacombs has run code to fix the secret doors in all dungeons in the aftermath of a Catacombs bug that left some door only opening half way (Boolean). Set it to false to force the secret door fixing code to run once more as the server is started
Admin.MobDropReductionPct0The chance that monsters in dungeons will not drop loot (in %). Increase this number if you want dungeon kills to drop less normal and special minecraft loot
Admin.NoTeleportIntrueWhen true players can't use commands (other than catacombs commands) to teleport to locations inside enabled dungeons (Boolean). When true this prevents commands like /back working when a player dies. Admins aren't prevented from teleporting.
Admin.NoTeleportOuttrueWhen true players can't use commands (other than catacombs commands) to teleport to locations outside the enabled dungeon they are in (Boolean). Admins aren't prevented from teleporting.
Admin.AdvancedCombatfalseDisabled in v1.8
Admin.Group.Radius50Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Group.Depth40Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Group.HpFactor0.5Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Spawn.Radius20Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Spawn.Depth8Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Spawn.Monster.Radius15Related to AdvancedCombat
Admin.Spawn.Monster.Max3Related to AdvancedCombat
Max Block Changes Per Second1000Similar to AsynWorldEdit, allows set number of blocks to created/removed/changed per second. Only affects Build and Removal of the catacomb.
<style>.Room.Max10The maximum size a room can be (in blocks)
<style>.Room.Min3The minimum size length/breadth of a room (in blocks)
<style>.Room.Clutter.TrapPct10The chance of a room having a trap (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.SandPct10The chance of a room having soul-sand covering part of the floor (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.ChestPct35The chance of a room having a small chest (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.SpawnerPct35The chance of a room having one random mob spawner (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.ShroomPct10The chance of a group of red or brown mushrooms being in the room (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.BenchPct3The chance of a room having a one workbench (in %)
<style>.Room.Clutter.AnvilPct3The chance of a room having an iron block in it (in %). This is used by the McMMO plugin to repair items.
<style>.Room.Clutter.EnchantPct3The chance of a room having an enchanting table (in %). There will often be associated bookcases too if there is space.
<style>.Room.Clutter.OvenPct2The chance of a room having a furnace in it (in %).
<style>.Room.Clutter.Pool.PoolPct15The chance of a room having a pool in it (provided the room is big enough) (in %). Many rooms are too small for pools and their walkways so you may get fewer than you requested
<style>.Room.Clutter.Pool.FullPoolPct40The chance the pool covering the "whole" room (in %). A 1 block walkway will be left around the edge - lava pools have a slightly bigger (2 block) walkway.
<style>.Room.Clutter.Pool.LavaPct30The chance the pool being filled with bubbling lava rather than water (in %).
<style>.SpecialPct10The chance of placing a special hand-drawn room from a built-in list rather than generating a rectangular room (in %). Provided there is space. Many of the special rooms are big and don't fit in small maps so you'll often lower percentage of special rooms in practice than you request.
<style>.CorridorPct30The chance of placing a corridor rather than a room (in %). Corridors still contain chests etc, but they have different rules controlling their shape (see below).
<style>.Corridor.Max9The maximum length of a corridor (in blocks).
<style>.Corridor.Min3The minimum length of a corridor (in blocks).
<style>.Corridor.Width2Pct40The chance of a corridor being 2 blocks wide rather than 1 or 3(in %).
<style>.Corridor.Width3Pct10The chance of a corridor being 3 blocks wide rather than 1 or 2(in %).
<style>.Archway.Type.HiddenPct10The chance of an archway being filled with a secret door (in %).
<style>.Archway.Type.DoorPct30The chance of an archway being filled with a door (in %). More doors make the dungeons easier.
<style>.Archway.Type.WebDoorPct10The chance of an archway being total blocked by webs (in %). More web fill archways make the dungeons easier.
<style>.Archway.DoubleWidthPct60The chance of an archway or door being 2 blocks wide rather than 1 (in %). Secret doors are always 1 wide.
<style>.Archway.IronDoorPct0The chance a door being iron rather than wood (in %). Zombies don't make a noise banging iron doors. Also see the Admin.ClickIronDoor attribute. If you choose a value other than 100 or 0 you are likely to get double doors that are half iron and half wood.
<style>.RadiusMax12The maximum size/"radius" of a dungeon level measured from the stairs down extending north, south, east and west (in blocks). The can be overridden on the command line of the 'plan' command.
<style>.UnderFillfalseAre the normally hidden blocks under the floor set to a default block when the dungeon is built or left alone (Boolean). This attribute helps make each level a solid cuboid and is handy when building dungeons through air.
<style>.OverFillfalseAre the normally hidden blocks above the ceiling set to a default block when the dungeon is built or left alone (Boolean). This attribute helps make each level a solid cuboid and is handy when building dungeons through air.
<style>.ResetButtonfalseShould the dungeon have a player operated reset button above the end-of-dungeon chest (Boolean). Reset also teleports all players to the top (unless a dungeon is suspended).
<style>.RecallButtonfalseShould the dungeon have a recall button to teleport each player back to the top above the end-of-dungeon chest (Boolean). There can only be a recall button if there isn't a reset button.
<style>.Hut.TypedefaultThe type of "hut" to be built above the dungeon (String). default, small, tiny, pit, medium, medium2 and large are the currently supported options. See the images page for pictures of the hut types.
<style>.Block.MajorcobblestoneThe type of blocks to build the walls out of (Material). The material can be given as a bukkit name in either case or an ID number. Use ':' to specify byte codes for blocks (e.g smooth_brick:1 for mossy smooth brick)
<style>.Block.Minormossy_cobblestoneThe type of block to scatter randomly in the walls and to include in secret doors as a visual clue (Material)
<style>.Block.FloorcobblestoneThe type of block to use for the floors in the dungeons (Material)
<style>.Block.RoofcobblestoneThe type of block to use for the ceilings in the dungeons (Material)
<style>.Block.MossyPct2The chance of a wall block being set to the 'Minor' block type (in %). The bigger this number is the harder the secret doors are to find.
<style>.Block.AirWebPct1The chance of an air block in the dungeon being filled with web (in %).
<style>.Block.Naturalstone dirt sand sandstone gravel coal_ore iron_ore redstone_ore gold_ore diamond_ore lapis_oreA list of all the materials the dungeon planner is allowed to build levels through (Material List). Any materials not on the list will help bound the region the dungeon is built in. This attribute is intended to reduce the risk of dungeons destroying existing architectures and bases
<style>.Depth.floor3The depth of each dungeon floor on each level (in blocks). This depth needs to be enough to house the secret door and trap mechanisms.
<style>.Depth.room3The height of all the rooms in the dungeon (in blocks). minimum 3.
<style>.Depth.roof1The depth of the dungeon ceiling on each level (in blocks).
<style>.Depth.firstLevel2The extra depth of the stairs down to the first level (in blocks). This allows you to plan a dungeon that goes down a distance before branching out.
<style>.Trap.Ammo10 arrowsA list of the items to be placed in the trap dispensers to be fired at clumsy players and monsters (Loot List). Keep in mind that players can disarm traps and take the ammo. Monster eggs and splash potions can be fun things to fire out of traps.
<style>.Mob.Type.SpiderPct5The chance of a monster spawner being for spiders rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.SkeletonPct25The chance of a monster spawner being for skeletons rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.WolfPct7The chance of a monster spawner being for angry wolves rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.PigmanPct8The chance of a monster spawner being for angry Pigmen rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.CaveSpiderPct10The chance of a monster spawner being for cave spiders than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.BlazePct0The chance of a monster spawner being for blazes rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.CreeperPct5The chance of a monster spawner being for creepers rather than zombies (in %).
<style>.Mob.Type.EndermanPct0The chance of a monster spawner being for endermen rather than zombies (in %). Endermen will be passive so this isn't much use yet
<style>.Mob.Type.SlimePct0The chance of a monster spawner being for slimes rather than zombies (in %). Slimes don't spawn in Minecraft 1.2.5 from spawners so this isn't much use yet
<style>.Mob.Gold.Min1.00The smallest amount of cash to give to the killing player when a monster is killed in a dungeon (decimal).
<style>.Mob.Gold.Max10.00The largest amount of cash to give to the killing player when a monster is killed in a dungeon (decimal).
<style>.Loot.Small.LeatherEquipPct10The chance of one item of leather equipment being in a small chest (in %). This would be in addition to the things in the loot list below
<style>.Loot.Small.List<assorted stuff>A list of the items to be placed in the small chests randomly placed throughout the dungeon (Loot List) See <style>.Room.Clutter.ChestPct
<style>.Loot.Medium.EquipPct100The chance of getting some iron or gold equipment in the end of level double chests (in %)
<style>.Loot.Medium.SmallPct100The chance of including the small chest loot inside a medium chest (in %)
<style>.Loot.Medium.HalfEmptyfalseWhen set to true the less significant half of an end of level double chest will be empty (rather than containing small chest loot) (Boolean)
<style>.Loot.Medium.ListnoneA list of the items to be placed in the double chests at the end of each dungeon level (Loot List). Double chests also get 2 lots of loot from the small loot list
<style>.Loot.Medium.SweepOretrueWhen this option is set any minerals displaced as the dungeon is built are swept into a double chest on the level (Boolean) This bonus loot is only there once, it isn't restocked when a dungeon is reset
<style>.Loot.Big.EquipPct100The chance of getting some diamond equipment in the end of dungeon single chest (in %)
<style>.Loot.Big.SmallPct100The chance of including the small chest loot inside a big chest (in %)
<style>.Loot.Big.List1-3 diamonds, golden apple 30%A list of the items to be placed in the end of dungeon single chest (Loot List). Final chests also get 1 lot of loot from the small loot list


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