


Node NameDefaultValue TypeDescription
generalParent Node
minX10IntegerMinimal size in X-direction (horizontal)
minY5IntegerMinimal size in Y-direction (vertical)
minZ10IntegerMinimal Size in Z-Direction (horizontal)
maxJoinRadius24IntegerMaximal distance from where you can join an arena
toggleDoor19IntegerBlock ID of the block used for the toggle doors
toggleDoorHeight7IntegerMaximal height of the toggle doors
readyBlock42IntegerBlock ID of the "ready block" (hit it to be ready for the battle)
readyTimer5IntegerCountdown before the start of the fight
langlocal_EN.langStringName of the language file to use


Node NameDefaultValue TypeDescription
generalParent Node
nameStringName of the arena
area.worldStringWorld name of the world containing the arena
area.x1,y1,z1,...IntegerCoordinates of the points defining the cuboid
enabledtruebooleanFlag if the arena is enabled or not
maxPlayers4IntegerMax players for the arena
lobby.x,y,zIntegerCoordinates for the lobby-teleport-point
spectator.x,y,zIntegerCoordinates for the spectator-teleport-point (Currently not in use!)
minPlayers2IntegerMin players to start a game (without forcing it)
respawnTime3IntegerTime (in sec) until a player respawns after the death
scoreLimit25IntegerAmount of score needed to win the arena
respawn.x,y,zIntegerCoordinates for the death-area (where they wait to respawn)
pickupsParent Node for the pickup-places list
<pickupName>StringName to specify the pickup point
<pickupName>.posIntegerCoordinates of the point
<pickupName>.item.idIntegerID of item to spawn
<pickupName>.item.amountIntegerAmout to spawn
<pickupName>.item.dmgIntegerDamageData of the item
<pickupName>.item.enchantmentsList<Integer>List of the Enchantment IDs
<pickupName>.item.enchantLvlsList<Integer>List of the Enchantment Levels
spawnpointsParent Node for the spawnpoint list
<spawnpointName>.pos*DoubleCoordinates of the spawnpoint


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