
CallAdmin allows players on your minecraft server to call for assistance when you're not in game. This is done though a simple Bukkit plugin and remote monitor tool. This tool is perfect for server administrators that want to have a line of communication to the server without needing to either be in game or looking at the server console frequently. Alerts are provided in a log with popup balloons from the system tray to keep the admin informed. The plugin supports multiple admins connected at anyone time and will automatically reconnect on a networking issue.


  • Allows for players in game to call for assistance while the admin is not in game.
  • Allows multiple administrators to be connected to the plugin at anyone time.
  • An optional message parameter so a more detailed message may be sent to the remote admin.
  • Small tray application that can provide balloon popup notifications.
  • Log on the server console when admins have connected with the tool and for all failed connection attempts.
  • Logs on the tool which provide a history of all events since the tool started
  • Security - Only admins with the correct username and password can connect with the monitor tool.
  • Balloon Notifications - The application will provide tray balloons to notify of new events
  • Ability to be hidden to the system tray
  • Broadcast to players as they login that an admin is online.
  • Permissions - limit who can call for an admin or modify settings
  • Remote admin can broadcast a message to the server from the monitoring tool
  • Support for multiple different user names and passwords
  • Call specific admins by name (user name)
  • Send commands to server
  • Sound notifications
Upcoming Features

These are not confirmed features of the plugin they are being considered for future releases.

  • Customisable Messages - Planned to be included in upcoming release
  • Email Integration - Configure the plugin to send emails if no Admins are connected to the server
  • Teamspeak Integration - Ability to send messages to users on Teamspeak

Android App - I am working on a android based app to connect to the plugin however this is behind schedule due to all the changes made in the plugin since I last worked on it.


I have a twitter account which I will post more updates regarding development of new version of the plugin so check that out if you want to know what's going on. It can be found here: @Arweth

I'm also looking for people who would be willing to help test the new versions of the plugin if your interested send me a PM, contact me on the above twitter account or at my website


Commands for the plugin can be found at Pages/Commands


Permissions can be found at Pages/Permissions


The default configuration file can be found on the page Pages/Deafult Config.yml


If an invalid port is specified in the configuration file the plugin will fall back to its default port of 25560.

If the port is changed currently the server does not reload the configuration and start using the new port. A reload command is being added to address this issue. All other configuration entries will update and then be used

You can delete messages from the client logs by selecting the message and pushing the delete key. You can delete multiple messages


This plugin sends statistics to plugin metrics. This can be disabled by changing the opt-out value to true in the plugin metrics configuration in the plugins folder.

Found a bug or have an idea for a feature?

If you find a bug or have ideas for features to add open a ticket at

Known caveats of v1.8.1

  1. Commas cannot be used in a username or on the end of a password. They can however be used in a password.
  2. Can cause a crash if the new GUI tool attempts to connect to an older version of the plugin.

Old Video Tutorial


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 18, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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