
CakeShame v0.2

Anyone who breaks cake, without eating it, will cause them to lose a lot of hunger points, because breaking cake is just wasteful. So whoever breaks cake get's shamed. So breaking cake is really bad, so eating it is really good, breaking it is really bad. I hope you enjoy, it's my second plugin. Any ideas appreciated. Anyone who tries to break cake, will receive a message saying: "Shame on you, that cake is good!" and then end up with 1 Hunger Point left. If you eat the cake, you should be safe. Just, make sure you don't break more than one cake, or you might die, from wasting too much cake. Cake is precious, so eat it, not break it. Now broadcasts on cake break.

Commands & Permissions

  1. 1 /stopcakeshame - Disables the plugin. (cakeshame.disable)
  2. 2 /allowcakeshame - Enables the plugin. (cakeshame.enable)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 17, 2012
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