
Default config.yml

prefix: '{BLUE}[{DARK_GREEN}Cactus Crate{BLUE}]{GOLD}'

        player-only: '{RED} CMD is not allowed to use this command.'
        crate-does-not-exist: '{RED} The crate does not exist.'
        vault-not-enabled: '{RED} Vault is not enabled. Economy Features will be disfunctional'
        nothing-found-in-crate: '{RED} Nothing was found in the crate.'
        error-refund: '{RED} An error has occured, refunding.'
        not-enough-crates: '{RED} You do not have enough crates'
        crate-cost-less-than-zero: '{RED} Crate can not cost less than 0'
        no-permission: '{RED} You do not have permission for this command.'
    given: '{GREEN}-Recieved-'

Prefix: Typically Shown before every command, in this case it is [Cactus Crate]: <message>.

Message: Default Messages for errors. If you want an certain error message other than the default one, feel free to edit these.

Crate.Given: Added to the last line of the item that is clicked in the Crate Gui.