Language File


Create a language file for the plugin :

Two language files are available, one in French and one in English. You can add whatever you want, but you just have to follow this model:


Language: english

notExistPack: This pack does not exist.

notExistingPack: No package does not exist on the server!

Title: Title

Desc: Description

Money: How

transactGood: Transaction completed, the pack <packTitle> will last <packTime>!

BuyOtherPlayer: You have bought the pack <packTitle> for <player>!

noPermission: You do not have permission!

notEnoughEconomy: You do not have enough money!

commandMistyped: mistyped command!

playerNotOnline: This player is not online!

noTimePack: This pack does not have time.

limitPack:You have reached the limit allowed to purchase this pack.

commandProblem:An error occurred while purchasing the pack. Check if the command (s) exist (s) and works well (s).

specifiedPack:Please specify a pack.

confirmPack:Please confirm the purchase of your packs, with the command /buyP confirm.

confirmOpNotActive:The option to confirm the purchase of packs is disabled.

reloadConfiguration:Reload config, packs and language complete.

newVersion:A new update of BuyPack is release.

Ps-the file must be a txt file and the title must be the same as in the config.yml file.

Tag accepted:

  • <player> - tag to put the player's name.
  • <packTitle> - tag to put the name of the pack.
  • <packTime> - tag to put the time of the pack.


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