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This is a fun and lightweight plugin that allows your players to buy a multitude of different types of heads on your server! The plugin features the ability to buy any type of player head (their own and other online players) and the ability to mob heads that are currently allowed in the game (wither, creeper, zombie, and skeleton). Alongside those features as a server manager you are allowed to change the price of each and every head, set a message to players, and add a cool down to the buy commands. All of this will be explained below!

Permission and Commands

buyhead.buyAllows users to access the buy command to buy their own individual head. users to access the buy command to buy other people's heads.
buyhead.mob.creeperAllows users to access the buy command to buy creeper heads.
buyhead.mob.witherAllows users to access the buy command to buy wither heads.
buyhead.mob.zombieAllows users to access the buy command to buy zombie heads.
buyhead.mob.skeletonAllows users to access the buy command to buy skeleton heads.
buyhead.reloadAllows users to access the reload command for configuration changes.

/buyhead reload or /bh reload - Allows user to reload the BuyHeads configuration.
/buyhead or /bh - Allows user to buy own head.
/buyhead <playername> or /bh <playername> - Allows user to buy another player's head.
/buyhead mob <mobtype> or /bh mob <mobtype> - Allows user to buy a mob's head.
Available mobs: Creeper, Wither, Zombie, and Skeleton.

Configuration (PLEASE READ!!!) Everything you need to know about the configuration and how to use it is in the config.yml itself which is pasted below. If you run into any issues after reading this please let me know in the comments below and I'll be glad to answer!

# What is the playerMessage?
# - The playerMessage is the message displayed when a player buys their own head or another player's head.

# What is the mobBuyMessage?
# - The mobBuyMessage is the message displayed when a player buys a mob's head.

# What are headCosts?
# - This portion of the config.yml defines the price players will pay for buying heads

# What are cooldowns?
# - This section will allow you to set a cooldown for each different command.

# Using the config.yml correctly (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!!)
# - To ensure that the plugin is loaded in and ran correctly you must use:
# - {playername} to represent a player's name when creating a new message
# - {mobtype} to represent a mob when creating a new message
# - {headCost} to represent cost when creating a message
# - only use numbers when setting headCosts DO NOT USE commas! Use 5000 not 5,000.
# - (Look below at the default message below and then execute a buy command in game to understand how this works)
# - Example of what the playerBuyMessage prints in the server chat to the command executor.
# - Upon player using /buyhead notch this message is displayed on the server chat ---> "You bought the head of Notch for 50.0"
# - If further assistance is needed for configuring this please refer to this plugin's BukkitDev page!
# - You may use Minecraft formmating codes to add colors to your server message.

# Pleae refer to the notes above or at this plugin's BukkitDev page on the correct usage of display costs, mobtypes, and player names!
playerBuyMessage: '&aYou bought the head of &e{playername} &afor &c{headCost}!'
mobBuyMessage: '&aYou bought the head of a &e{mobtype} &afor &c{headCost}'

# All numbers are allowed here when formatting numbers do not use commas (Use 5000 instead of 5,000)
   playerSkull: 50
   skeletonSkull: 50
   witherSkull: 50
   zombieSkull: 50
   creeperSkull: 50

# You must only use integers do not use decimals! Set to 0 if no cooldown wanted!
# Use this section if you want to set a cooldown timer for buy commands.
# Countdown is in seconds! 
   playerCooldown: 5
   skeletonCooldown: 5
   witherCooldown: 5
   zombieCooldown: 5
   creeperCooldown: 5

Notes - Please let me know if there are features that you seek or if you run into any sort of bugs!

Change log 07/27/2015 - Plugin submitted!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 27, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 29, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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