
Here you can see the flags, which you can use with "/chunk flag <flag> <allow/deny>"

pvpAllow or block PvP.
mob-damageAllow or block mob damage on players.
mob-spawningAllow or deny mobs spawning
creeper-explosionAllow or block creeper damage to terrain and players.
enderman-griefAllow or prevent endermen from picking up or placing blocks.
enderdragon-block-damageAllow or prevent enderdragon damage to blocks.
ghast-fireballAllow or block fireballs damage to terrain and players.
sleepAllow or block players from entering beds.
tntAllow or block TNT.
lighterAllow or block flint and steel.
fire-spreadAllow or block the spread of fire
lava-fireAllow or block whether lava can start fires
lightningAllow or block lightning striking at all in a region
chest-accessAllow or block chest access
pistonsAllow or block piston activation
water-flowAllow or block flow of water.
lava-flowAllow or block flow of lava.
useAllow or block the ability to use doors, buttons, pressure plates, levers, etc
vehicle-placeAllow or block the ability to place vehicles
vehicle-destroyAllow or block the ability to remove vehicles
snow-fallAllow or block snow from forming in an area. Note that this will not block weather altogether, that can be done in the WorldGuard-config.
snow-meltAllow or block snow from melting in an area.
ice-formAllow or block ice from forming in an area.
ice-meltAllow or block ice from melting in an area.
leaf-decayAllow or block leaves from decaying.
grass-growthAllow or block grass from spreading to dirt.
entryAllow or deny a group of players to enter an area
exitAllow or deny a group of players to leave an area
potion-splashAllow or block splash effect from potion

(c) by sk98q (http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Regions/Flags)


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