How To's

How To's


This 'How To' will tell you how to install this plugin.

  1. Download the latest jar from this page
  2. Place the jar in your servers plugins folder
  3. Reload or restart your server

Plugin Compatibility

Rules for plugins using BukkitProtect code for compatibility

  1. You must display what your plugin adds or does within BukkitProtect in a seperate BukkitProtect header
  2. You must have a sub-header for Tags, UserType and Rods displaying what your plugin adds or changes within each

Help for authors

  1. Download the latest jar from this page
  2. Right click on your projects main folder on eclipse ( Or whatever you use )
  3. Click on "Properties"
  4. Click on "Java Build Path"
  5. Click on "Libraries"
  6. Click on "Add External JARs"
  7. Select the jar you downloaded

Place this line of code in your plugin.yml to make sure it loads after BukkitProtect:

softdepend: [BukkitProtect]

Place this line of code before using any functions within BukkitProtect:

if (getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("BukkitProtect")) {
    [Code Here]

To get a Map of all the protections use this:



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