
Creating an arena

To create an arena, simply type

/bg arena create

Modifying arenas

Arenas hold the game rules for every different Building Game instance such as the max amount of players and time per round.

You can learn how to modify an arena by typing /bg arena modify help
In order to edit any settings of an arena, you must first disable the arena, which can only be done when there are no players currently in it.
When targeting an arena, you must use its ID. Run the arena list command in order to find it.

  • List arenas - /bg arena list
  • Disable arena - /bg arena disable <arena ID>
  • Enable arena -/bg arena enable <arena ID>
  • Modify arena - /bg arena modify <arena ID> <setting> <new value>
    • The values that you can modify for an arena include:
      • maxplayers - Modify the max amount of players that can join. (Odd number greater than or equal to 3)
      • nickname - Modify the arena's nickname
      • roundtime - Modify the max amount of time per round. (Measured in seconds)
      • timeresultsround - Enable the timer on the results round

Arena Signs

In order to create a sign for an arena, create a sign and type [BgArena] on the first line followed by the number of the arena you wish to represent on the second line. The sign will then automatically update and will also allow players to join by right clicking it.

In order to destroy signs, hold shift while breaking them.