
# Time in minutes between each automated broadcast
Message Interval: 5
# Should the app check for updates on startup
Auto update: true
check beta: false
# Should the Broadcaster automatically start on server startup
Auto-Enabled: true
# Should the Broadcaster continue with the last line it broadcasted on reload
keep current line on reload: true
# Which message files should start on startup
Auto-Enabled message files: default, other
# The prefix/suffix of the automated messages
Broadcaster Prefix: '[Info]'
Broadcaster Suffix: ''
# Should the auto broadcast messages be send to the console
auto broadcast in console: true
# The message that welcomes every player when they join
Show Login Message: true
Login Message: 'Welcome %username%'
# The prefixes for the ingame commands
/bc prefix: '[Broadcast]'
/godsay prefix: '[god]'
/server prefix: '[Server]'
/herobrine prefix: '[HEROBRINE]'
# when somebody say hi to you
/hi message: '%username% just said hi to you'
# message that is send to players when somebody says bye to them
/bye message: '%username% just said bye to you'
# message files with name
Message files:
    default: messages.txt
    other: otherMessages.txt