What is BukkitHTTPD?
BukkitHTTPDbasically creates a website hosted on your Bukkit server that is accessible from web browsers! This allows you to create websites for your server without renting from a web/VPS provider.
BoxxWorldMap uses BukkitHTTPD to let the map be hosted on your own server, unlike RaddaMap.
So don't be scared of BukkitHTTPD (like I was). It's very useful and efficient.

I can't see my map!

  1. Make sure your BukkitHTTPD settings are configured correctly.
  2. Make sure you typed in the map URL correctly
  3. Make sure that if you change your BukkitHTTPD port, you change it in the URL. The default is 8107
  4. Check that your server is online.
  5. Check your BoxxWorldMap configurations
  6. Look for any errors in the Bukkit console or logs.
  7. If all else fails, ask for help.

Do I have to use BukkitHTTPD?

Did you copy RaddaMap?
The concept? Perhaps.
The code however was NOT copied. With the exception of BukkitHTTPD and the GeoIP library, this was 100% made from scratch by me. How could I copy it if his server (where the website was) is down, and his source isn't given?

Can you add a feature?
Go ahead and request it. I'll take a look, and possibly add it! :D

Have a different question? Go ahead and ask!


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