
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Bowbash Minigame

Mostly being played in stained glass arenas, you'll need to survive grenades/arrows of the enemies and build a fortress out of the glass you harvest or you just use the glass to build a bridge to the enemy and kill everyone.

This is a team game and doesn't work with one player. The ultimate goal is to get the score of the enemy to zero by killing them repeatedly.


You need to install MinigamesLib for the plugin to work.

Also, you'll need Vault for economy rewards to work.

  1. /bb setmainlobby set the main lobby where all join signs will be
  2. /bb setlobby [arena] set the waiting lobby
  3. /bb setspawn [arena] sets the player spawn, you need to execute this command twice for two different spawns!
  4. /bb setbounds [arena] low sets the lower left corner of the map
  5. /bb setbounds [arena] high sets the higher right corner of the map (so that you got a cuboid)
  6. /bb savearena [arena]

You can now set a join sign (optionally). Lines:

  1. Bowbash
  2. [arena]


/bbShows all possible commands
/bb setspawn <arena>Sets the spawn point.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setlobby <arena>Sets the lobby point.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setmainlobbySets the main lobby point.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setbounds <arena> [low/high]Sets the low/high boundaries of the map.mgbowbash.setup
/bb savearena <arena>Saves the arena.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setmaxplayers <arena> <count>Sets the max players allowed to join to given count.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setminplayers <arena> <count>Sets the min players needed to start to given count.mgbowbash.setup
/bb setarenavip <arena> <true/false>Sets whether arena needs permission to join.mgbowbash.setup
/bb removearena <arena>Deletes an arena from config.mgbowbash.setup
/bb removespawn <arena> <count>Deletes a spawn from config.mgbowbash.setup
/bb join <arena>Joins the arena.
/bb leaveLeaves the arena.
/bb start <arena>Force-starts the arena.mgbowbash.start
/bb stop <arena>Force-stops the arena.mgbowbash.stop
/bb listLists all arenas.
/bb reloadReloads the config.


There are a few config files (config.yml, classes.yml, arenas.yml, messages.yml, stats.yml) which are mostly self explanatory. Be aware that guns.yml is not used in this minigame!

  default_max_players: 4 # default amount of maximum players that are allowed to join an arena
  default_min_players: 2 # default amount of minimum players that can join an arena
  lobby_countdown: 30 # amount of time in seconds to countdown in lobby
  ingame_countdown: 10 # amount of time in seconds to countdown ingame before the final start
    economy: true
    economy_reward: 10 # You'll need Vault for economy to work
    item_reward: false
    item_reward_ids: 264*1;11*1 # 264 being the id, you can specify an amount (the '*1') and enchantments (e.g. 264#DAMAGE_ALL:2*64 would be sharpness 2 on a stack of diamonds)
    command_reward: false
    command: pex user <player> add SKILLZ.*
  global_arenas_size: 30 # not used in this minigame

You can also specify data on a item reward. If you would want 32 enchanted red wool blocks, you'd adjust the config to: 35:14#DAMAGE_ALL:1*32, where :14 is the data for red, 35 the id for wool, and the rest as explained above.


There are 3 classes with different bows and grenades.

As always, you can change settings like how much a class costs or if it is vip only or alter the power of the bows in classes.yml.






  • remove spawn instakills
  • Suggestions are welcome. :)

Additional Information

Github Repo


Have fun :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 2, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 30, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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