

Entire Config

rows: 2 #How many rows are in a bookshelf. Default 2, Max 6; Multiple of 9 slots (2 * 9 = 18 slots).

# Delete the Shelves.db after changing this if you decrease it! Books in shelves will be lost!

default_shelf_name: "BookShelf" # The default title of regular/unlimited bookshelves
default_shop_name: "BookShop - %$ each" # The default title of shop bookshelves. %$ will be replaced with the price and name of currency.
default_openable: true # If true, shelves will be openable by default. If false, they will be un-openable by default.
top-bottom_access: false # If true, shelves can be opened from the top or bottom. If false, they cannot, however, you can build on the top/bottom.
shelves_can_burn: false # If true, shelves will burn and items will be dropped. If false, they will never break from fire.

use_built_in_ownership: true # If false, the built in ownership is disabled, and you will need to find your own form of protection (LWC, etc)

shelf_only_items: # These items, if true, will ONLY BE ALLOWED IN SHELVES. This means they cannot be stored in chests, etc.
    book: false #False = can be stored in shelves and chests, True = can be stored in only shelves.
    book_and_quill: false
    signed: false
    maps: false
    enchanted_book: false
    records: false
    paper: false

    default_price: 10 # The default price per item to set when creating a shop if no price is specified

database: # These are options for the MySQL/SQLite support
    mysql_enabled: false # If true, MySQL will be used rather than SQLite.
    hostname: localhost # These options are pretty self explanatory.
    port: 3306
    database: minecraft
    username: root
    password: password
    prefix: BookShelf # Go ahead and ignore this, it's useless for now.

permissions: #These specify what book types can be put in the bookshelf. Use permissions to change for individual groups/players. False takes precedence over true with both permissions and the config.
    allow_book: true #If false, normal books cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_book_and_quill: true #If false, book and quills cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_signed: true #If false, signed books cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_maps: true #If false, maps cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_enchanted_book: true #If false, enchanted books cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_records: true #If false, records cannot be put in shelves.
    allow_paper: true #If false, paper cannot be put in shelves.

villager_trading: # These specify which items can or cannot be sold to villagers
    allow_book: true  #If false, books cannot be sold to villagers.
    allow_book_and_quill: true #If false, book and quills cannot be sold to villagers.
    allow_signed: true #If false, signed books cannot be sold to villagers.
    allow_paper: true #If false, paper cannot be sold to villagers.

    enabled: false #Enable Towny support. This will affect nothing without Towny installed.
    enabled: false #Enable LWC support. This will affect nothing without LWC installed.

    enabled: false #Enable WorldGuard support. This will affect nothing without WorldGuard installed.

Extra Goodies

Add these to the end of your config for extra goodies.

  • Auto Toggler: This will toggle all shelves or only a certain shelf after a certain number of players access a shelf by given name.
    enabled: false #Turn on auto toggler
    frequency: 3 #How many players must access the shelf before it toggles
    server_wide: false #Do all shelves with the same name toggle?
    different_players: false #Must each player who accesses the shelf be a different player?
    name_list: [BookShelf] #Which shelves can be affected by auto toggler? CaSe SeNsItIvE!