Block Control!

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

BlockControl- Control Water , Lava , Ice, and Fire!
V 1.1 download
V 1.1_V download (requires Vault

What is it?
BlockControl is a pretty basic plugin. You set who can use fire, water, lava, and ice. This is done through permissions, if you do not have permissions, than ops by default have all of the blocks enabled. This is a very powerful anti-grief tool as fire, water, lava, and potentially ice are dangerous tools!

Vault version?:
The Vault version is meant for people with Pex, bPermissions.. etc. If you don't have one of thoes kinds of permission managers, then I recommend using the regular version :).



BlockControl.* - Gives all the block permissions
BlockControl.lava - Give a player the ability to place lava buckets.
BlockControl.water - Give a player the ability to place water buckets. - Give a player the ability to use flint & steel. - Give a player the ability to use ice.

Note, these nodes are exactly the same for the Vault version :).


  • V 1.0 - Initial release!
  • V 1.1 - Added Water/Lava blocks & a new version for Vault.

    • ToDo
      My big plan for this plugin is to allow admins to have controll of every single block in Minecraft. I'm going to hold off until Minecraft 1.2, because there are a few new blocks coming out.
    • I hope everyone enjoyed this plugin, please give me a like if you do> I understand that this has been done before, but this was a request that I got, and I felt like some of the other plugins available weren't as flexible as this :). Also, leave a comment with feedback! **


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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