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Brief Explanation:

At night time you get blindness. And in day time it goes away. If you drink milk the blindness doesent go away. When you get in a 5 block radius of a torch your blindness gets taken away. The potion effect, radius and the block can be edited from the config. Those were the default ones.


/SetNightTime [number from 0 to 24000]:

Sets when it starts to give the potion to players(when it becomes night for the plugin)

/SetRadius [number]

Sets if the player is how many blocks away from the specified block the potion effect gets removed.

/SetPotionLevel [number]:

Sets the potion level(the amplifier).

/SetLag [number from 1-3]:

See the config part for this.

/SetItem [blockname]:

Set's the block that removes the potion effect when the player is near.

/SetPotionEffect [potion effect]:

Set's the potion effect given to the player.


Op's get all the permissions.


description: You don't get blindness at night


description: Permission for /SetNightTime


description: Permission for /SetRadius


description: Permission for /SetPotionLevel


description: Permission for /SetLag


description: Permission for /SetItem


description: Permission for /SetPotionEffect


Put this plugin on your plugins folder. If the server is running type /reload or restart the server. If it isn't running then start it up.


There is a config file that allows you to edit many stuff about the plugin. The default config looks like this:

item: TORCH

radius: 5

potioneffect: BLINDNESS

level: 3

nighttime: 12500

lag: 1

The item: is when the player get's next to which block the potion effect gets removed.

The nighttime: is at which time the player starts getting the potion effect. Do it 0 and it will be always. When it is 12500 it's the exact time when it turns night.

The lag is in how many ticks(a period of time) does it control if you are near the block and removes your potion effect. The default is 1 but if it starts to lag your server a bit then you can turn it to 2,3 but I don't recommend more then 3 because even when you are near the block and not moving you get the potion effect and it get's removed allot.

The level is the amplifier. When you do it 2 you get 2 blindness for example.

Radius is how near your near the item/block.

The Potion Effect is which potion effect the player get's when it's night time.

If you have any more ideas about what i should add to the config tell me in the comments!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 11, 2014
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