

Displays the command use. Short alias for all commands is /bm.

/bleedingmobs info

Shows if BleedingMobs is enabled, the maximum amount of particles and the active worlds.

/bleedingmobs reload

Reloads the config file

/bleedingmobs toggle

Enables/Disables BleedingMobs

/bleedingmobs toggle-world [worldname]

Enables/Disables the world

/bleedingmobs set maxparticles [num]

Sets the maximum amount of particles.

/bleedingmobs set attackpercentage [num]

Increases or decreases the amout of particles on attack.

/bleedingmobs set fallpercentage [num]

Increases or decreases the amout of particles on fall damage.

/bleedingmobs set deathpercentage [num]

Increases or decreases the amout of particles on death.

/bleedingmobs set projectilepercentage [num]

Increases or decreases the amout of particles on damage by a projectile.

/bleedingmobs set bloodstreampercentage [num]

Sets the amount of particles that are shown after an attack.

/bleedingmobs set bloodstreaminterval [num]

Sets the interval in ticks between each blood particles that are shown after an attack.

/bleedingmobs set bloodstreamtime [num]

Sets the duration in ticks of the bleeding after an attack.

/bleedingmobs set bleedwhencanceled

Toggles if the player and monster should bleed, when the damage event is canceled by another plugin (e.g. god mode).

/bleedingmobs set [type] ...

  • woolchance [num] - Sets the chance that wool is dropped (in percent, no fractions)
  • bonechance [num] - Sets the chance that bones are dropped (in percent, no fractions)
  • woolcolor [color] - Sets the color of the wool
  • stainsfloor (true|false) - If the floor should be stained by the blood
  • bonelife [num] - Sets how long the bones should stay in ticks (1/20th of a second)
  • particlematerial (material|hand|lookat) - You can either use the name or id of the material here, or hand, then the item in your hand is used or lookat, then the block that you look at is used.
  • saturatedmats clear - Clears the list of saturated materials
  • particlelife [num] [num] - Sets how long the bones should stay in ticks (1/20th of a second)
  • stainlife [num] [num] - Sets how long the blood stain should stay in ticks (1/20th of a second)
  • amount [num] [num] - Sets how many particles should be dropped on hit
  • saturatedmats add (material|hand|lookat) - Adds a material to the list of saturated materials, that will be replaced by the blood stain
  • saturatedmats remove (material|hand|lookat) - Removes a material from the list of saturated materials, that will be replaced by the blood stain