Developer build changelog

0.9.1 (DEV) (April 7, 2013)

THIS IS DEVELOPER (TEST) BUILD! If you notice any bugs/errors let me know asap!

1) Updated for Bukkit 1.5.1 (beta build)
2) Hopefully fixed error "Unhandled Exception" from ticket #6

0.9.0 (DEV) (March 29, 2013)

THIS IS DEVELOPER (TEST) BUILD! If you notice any bugs/errors let me know asap!

1) Updated for Bukkit 1.5.1.
2) Improved multiworld support.
3) Moved all message strings to messages.yml file.
4) Region Support feature now respects "Region-Support" config value (false/true).
5) Small bug fixes.
6) Remove "Block-PVP" option, its now defined at World-Blocked-Features.

New region and world block config, please update it. Notice that region settings do not support multiworlds (yet).

Old (current) format:

- example

- tp
- gift

- tp
- gift

- world_nether

New format:

- world_nether:tp
- world:dxp

- test:bxp
- test:dxp
- test:tp
 - test:gift

Note: if "Region-Support" is set to false plugin wont load with region support even if you have WorldGuard, in order to enable region support you must set it "true" and restart server. Will look into improving shit.


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