Permissions and Commands

Commands and Permissions


CommandWhat Does It DoPermissionCommand Alias
/vanishIt Vanish's the Senderbettervanish.commands.vanish/v
/vanish <player>It Vanish's The Specified Playerbettervanish.commands.vanish.others/v <player>

In Progress of Making

CommandWhat Does It DoPermissionCommand Alias
/bettervanish Command Added: Need to add permissionIt shows the help, /bv help, /bettervanish help
/bettervanish reload Command Added: Need to add permissionIt reloads the config when addedbettervanish.commands.reload/bv reload
N/ALets you see people that are invisible using an invisibility potion. Does not show people in /vbettervanish.features.see.normalN/A
N/ALet's you see people that are in /vanish mode. Does not let you see normal invisibility peoplebettervanish.features.see.vanishN/A
N/ALet's you see people in /vanish and people invisible with an invisibility potionbettervanish.features.see.allN/A


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