

Once this plugin is installed, a folder for this plugin will be created inside the plugins folder. Inside that folder you will see that a few YML files have been generated.

There is a file called "UUID.yml", don't touch this. It holds the UUIDs of players that join (for programming purposes).

There is a file called "config.yml", this is the configuration file. It should look something like this:

  enabled: false
  time: 6000
KeyHow To ConfigureExtra Info
scheduleN/AContains properties for the Scheduler of the Announcement system.
enabledA simple true or false (the default is false).Turns the scheduler on or off.
timeAn integer(whole number) for the amount of time it takes for it to Announce the next announcementIn ticks (about a 20th of a second, I think).

There is a file called "announcements.yml", this is the configuration for the announcement system. If you turned announcements off you can ignore this. If you turned them on, the file should look something like this:

' announcement1':
  Tag: Default
  Message: Default
  TagColor: '&f'
  MessageColor: '&f'
' announcement2':
  Tag: Default
  Message: Default
  TagColor: '&f'
  MessageColor: '&f'
' announcement3':
  Tag: Default
  Message: Default
  TagColor: '&f'
  MessageColor: '&f'
' announcement4':
  Tag: Default
  Message: Default
  TagColor: '&f'
  MessageColor: '&f'
' announcement5':
  Tag: Default
  Message: Default
  TagColor: '&f'
  MessageColor: '&f'

A jumbled mess right? Let's walk through it.

KeyHow To ConfigureExtra Info
' announcement1'N\AContain the properties for Announcement 1.
TagA string for the Tag of the Announcement.The tag is what goes ahead of the message.
MessageA string for the Message of the Announcement.This goes after the Tag.
TagColorThis the color of the Tag that is a char code.For help with color codes, click here.
MessageColorThe is the color of the Message that is a char code.For help with color codes, click here.

There are five of those all configured the same way (I have only programmed five). For example if you configured Announcement 1 like this:

' announcement1':
  Tag: Greetings
  Message: Hi!
  TagColor: '&1'
  MessageColor: '&1'

It would appear like this:

[Greetings] Hi!

If you need help with the char color codes, go to the next section.


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