Commands & Permissions

Commands & Permissions

/Awesomebegincommands.awesomeBroadcasts your awesomeness!
/Bansbegincommands.bansShows the banned players!(Only from banned-players.txt)
/Boostbegincommands.boostGives you boost for 1 seconds
/Burn [Player]begincommands.burnBurns the player you choose!
/Clearbegincommands.clearClears your inventory!
/Coderbegincommands.coderShows the plugin coder
/Craftbegincommands.craftOpens up a crafting table!
/Damage [Player] [Damage]begincommands.damageDamages the selected player the selected damage.
/Diamondsbegincommands.diamondsGives you some diamonds!
/Effect [Effect]begincommands.effectGives you the selected effect around you(example: MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES)
/Enderchest [Player]begincommands.enderchest(For your endechest), begincommands.enderchest.admin(For other player's chest's)Opens your or the selected player's enderchest
/Etablebegincommands.etableOpens a enchantment table!
/Explodebegincommands.explodeCreates a explosion!
/Feed [Player]begincommands.feedFeeds the player you choose!
/Fireworkbegincommands.fireworkLaunches a firework
/Getmaxhpbegincommands.getmaxhpReturns a player's max HP!
/Godbowbegincommands.godbowGives you a god bow!
/Godsetbegincommands.godsetGives you a god set!
/Godswordbegincommands.godswordGives you a god sword!
/Heal [Player]begincommands.healHeals you!
/Hockeybegincommands.hockeyGives you Hoe of Hockey(Knockback 100 Hoe)!
/Ip [Player]begincommands.ipShows selected player's IP!
/Item [Item] [Amought]begincommands.itemGives you the selected amought of the selected item(Use "_" instead of spaces in names. Example: DIAMOND_SWORD)
/Kill [Player]begincommands.killKills the selected player!
/Launch [projectile]begincommands.launchLaunches a projectile
/Maxhp [How much] [Player]begincommands.maxhpChanes your or the selected player's max HP
/Openinv [Player]begincommands.openinvOpens the selected player's enderchest
/Opsbegincommands.opsShows the OP's!
/Particlebegincommands.particleMakes particles under your feet(You can't see it)(To disable this, begin to run)!
/Potion [Potion] [Level] [Time]begincommands.potionGives you the selected potion effect in the selected level for the selected amought of time
/Quench [Player]begincommands.quenchMakes you stop to burn
/Say [Message]begincommands.sayBroadcasts a message
/Sethp [How much] [Player]begincommands.sethpSets your or the selected player's HP
/Sneakbegincommands.sneakMakes you to sneak(You can't see it)(To disable this, begin to run)!
/Starve [Player]begincommands.starveMakes the selected player starve!
/Strike [Player]begincommands.strikeStrikes a lightning on the selected player
/Summon [Player]begincommands.summonSummons the selected player!
/Teleport [Player]begincommands.teleportTeleports you to the selected player!
/Unenchantbegincommands.unenchantRemoves enchantments from item in hand!


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