BedrockBase - Organizer

This project is inactive and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. The author may have abandoned it, or it may have outlived its usefulness.

Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.


Warning pd2

Dev-Version Downloads

What is this?

Bedrockbase is a Plugin that allows Players to create a Bedrockbase by Command. There are three Types of Bases (They can be changed in the config.yml). The Bases are spawning randomly in the World , You can fully configurate where the Bases spawn. Admins can destroy Bases and visit the Bases of the Players.


1.Download the jar-File

2.Paste it in your /plugins Folder



1. You can change the Messages: prefix ... noperms (Colorcodes enabled)

2. "world" means the World where the Bases spawn.

3. "yaxis" Is the Y-Coordinate where the Bases spawn

4. Bases spawns randomly between the Cordinates (from > to)

5.There are 3 Sizes available. They can be changed. (Permissions later)


- /bb - Shows the help (no permission)

- /bb create - Creates a Base (bedrockbase.create.size3 | bedrockbase.create.size2 | bedrockbase.create.size1)

If somebody have all these Permissions, he will get Size3

-/bb home -Teleports you to your Base (bedrockbase.home)

-/bb setkey [key] -Set the password of your base (bedrockbase.setkey) (Dev-Build only)

-/bb visit [Player] [key] -Visit Bases(bedrockbase.visit) (Dev-Build only)

-/bb remove -Removes your Base (Player have to accept) (bedrockbase.remove)

Admin Commands

/bb a_tpbase [Player] - Teleports you to Players Base (bedrockbase.admin)

/bb a_remove [Player] - Removes Players Base (bedrockbase.admin)

-/bb a_create [1/2/3] [Player] -Creates a Base with this Size for a Player (bedrockbase.admin)

-/bb a_getkey [Player] -Gets the Key of the Base of this Player (bedrockbase.admin) (Dev-Build only)


(BIG = Work in Progress ; Italic = Done)

-Unremovable Sign with Name on every Base

-Let Friends visit the Base


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 29, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 31, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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