

BattleAxe is a plugin that allows you to change the amount of damage that axes do inflict to mobs and players on your server. If you want axes to do more damage, awesome! If you want them to be completely useless except for being able to use them to whack trees, fine by me! You can do both with BattleAxe!

BattleAxe affects the damage of axes for each material of axe, so it's really handy if you just want to change one or all of them.


BattleAxe will give your players an important decision to make every time that they need to defend themselves or choose a weapon for battle. Players will be able to decide whether to use an axe, using more resources, but having the increased functionality of being able to cut down trees, or a sword, using less resources, and being able to make it more damaging with enchantments, but sacrificing the other uses of an axe.

This can also help your new players get started, because they will be able to gather resources, and fight off attack from mobs with the same tool!


Just drag the BattleAxe.jar file into your plugins folder and restart or reload your server. An editable config.yml file should automatically generate for you if you want to edit damages. By default, axes are set to do the same amount of damage as swords of the same material.

NOTE: You must be using Java JRE7 on your server to use this plugin! If you are getting an "UnsupportedClassVersionError", then you are using JRE6 and that is the reason why the plugin isn't working!


To change the amount of damage that an axe of each material does, just edit the number (in hearts of damage) next to the material of axe that you want to change the damage of. Check this page to see the default damage values for axes if you want to make one or several of the axes to have the default damage.

Example: If you wanted gold axes to do 10 hearts of damage, you would simply change the number after gold to 10. Like this:

Gold: 10

Keep in mind, damages are still affected by armor and critical hits.


BattleAxe only has one permission: BattleAxe.use

Having this permission makes players deal the damage with axes that are set in the config.yml file. If no permissions are found, this permission will be given to all players.


  • Configurable options for effects and powers when weilding the gold axe


  • Plugin idea: 7007King0770


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