DayZ Config Example

BackFromTheDead DayZ Gamemode Module Functionality

  1. enable-dayz-module - Choose whether or not to enable DayZ functionality enable-dayz-module: true
  2. enabled-dayz-worlds - A list of worlds that the dayz module is enabled in, seperate from the main enabled world list (Requires enable-dayz-module) enabled-dayz-worlds: - world - world_nether - world_the_end
  3. bandage-item-id - Choose the item id of the item to be used as a bandage (Requires enable-dayz-module) bandage-item-id: 339
  4. bloodbag-item-id - Choose the item id of the item to be used as a bloodbag (Requires enable-dayz-module) bloodbag-item-id: 331
  5. bandage-healing-time - Time it takes(in seconds) for a bandage to heal someone (Requires enable-dayz-module) bandage-healing-time: 5
  6. bleed-damage - The damage a players blood level will take every second if they are bleeding (Players have 12000 blood when they start)(Requires enable-dayz-module) bleed-damage: 100
  7. maximum-thirst-level - The maximum thirst level a player can have (Requires enable-dayz-module) (cannot be higher than 32000) maximum-thirst-level: 32000
  8. chest-spawn-chance - The chance that a set of randomly generated chests will spawn when a chunk is populated (Requires enable-dayz-module) chest-spawn-chance: 30
  9. minimum-chests-per-chunk - The minimum amount of randomly generated chests to spawn per chunk (Requires enable-dayz-module) minimum-chests-per-chunk: 0
  10. maximum-chests-per-chunk - The maximum amount of randomly generated chests to spawn per chunk (Requires enable-dayz-module) maximum-chests-per-chunk: 2
  11. maximum-itemstacks-per-chest - The maximum amount of stacks generated in a chest (Requires enable-dayz-module) maximum-itemstacks-per-chest: 3
  12. minimum-itemstacks-per-chest - The minimum amount of stacks generated in a chest (Requires enable-dayz-module) minimum-itemstacks-per-chest: 0
  13. possible-chest-contents - The possible contents of the randomly generated chests (Requires enable-dayz-module)
  14. possible chest contents format: - [Item ID] [Amount] possible-chest-contents: - 272 1 - 273 1 - 274 1 - 275 1
  15. use-experience-gui - Enable or disable using the experience bar as a GUI. NOTE: This will stop users from using experience for anything i.e. enchanting, anvils, etc.! (Requires enable-dayz-module) use-experience-gui: true
  16. blood-food-list - A list that defines how much blood specific food items restore (Requires enable-dayz-module)
  17. blood-food-list-format - [ItemID] [Blood To Regen] blood-food-list: - 260 100
  18. enable-ender-grenades: true enable-ender-grenades: true
  19. grenade-range - The range in blocks from the player in which a grenade will function grenade-range: 20
  20. grenade-damage - The damage in the grenade will do to all Entites in range (20 = 12 hearts) grenade-damage: 10
  21. grenade-damage-range - The range in blocks around the grenade in which entities will be damaged grenade-damage-range: 3
  22. grenade-cause-fire - Decide whether or not grenades explosions start fires nearby grenades-cause-fire: true
  23. enable-player-tag-modification - Choose whether or not to modify player tags enable-player-tag-modification: true
  24. bandit-display-tag - Tag a player receives when he/she kills a certain amount of players bandit-display-tag: '&4[Bandit]&f '
  25. bandit-display-tag - Tag a player receives when he/she heals a certain amount of players healer-display-tag: '&b[Healer]&f '
  26. tag-priority - Choose which tag takes priority if a player has fulfilled both requirements tag-priority: HEALER
  27. kills-for-bandit-tag - The amount of players someone needs to kill to receive the bandit tag kills-for-bandit-tag: 10
  28. heals-for-healer-tag - The amount of blood transfusions a player needs to perform to receive the healer tag heals-for-healer-tag: 10
  29. ---DO NOT MODIFY ANY VALUES BEYOND THIS POINT--- config-version-DO-NOT-ALTER-THIS: 0.9.0 name-DO-NOT-ALTER-THIS: dayz_config.yml


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