
You can now customise Guilds through an all new messaging system. The new system allows you to edit MessageType's in the messages.yml file so that you can adjust messages sent to players or even translate the plugin into a completely different language! You can even change the color of the overall message or use multiple colors:

  • Overall Color: '&e/p/ is already in a guild...'
  • Multiple Colors: '&e/p/&f is already in a&g guild...'
MessageTypeDefault Message
ALREADY_IN_GUILD&e/p/ is already in a guild...
MUST_JOIN_GUILD&eyou need to join a guild to play on this server!
GUILD_CHOSEN&eyou have chosen your guild...
NOT_IN_GUILD&eyou do not belong to a guild…
GUILD_CREATED&e/g/ has been created...
GUILD_EXISTS&e/g/ already exists...
GUILD_DELETED&e/g/ has been removed...
GUILD_LEAVE&eyou have left your guild...
JOIN_COMMAND&e/guilds join <guild>
NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE&esame guild PVP is not allowed!
PEACEKEEPER&eyou are a peacekeeper!
COMMAND_SETBASE&emissing parameters... /guilds setbase <guild>
COMMAND_REMOVE&emissing parameters... /guilds remove <guild>
COMMAND_CREATE&emissing parameters... /guilds create <guild>
COMMAND_KICK&emissing parameters... /guilds kick <player>
COMMAND_ADD&emissing parameters... /guilds add <player> <guild>
COMMAND_JOIN&emissing parameters... /guilds join <guild>
GUILD_JOIN&eyou joined /g/
PLAYER_GUILD_JOIN&e/p/ added to /g/
ITEM_RESTRICTED&ethis item is restricted for your guild...
ARMOUR_RESTRICTED&ethis armour is restricted for your guild...
COOLDOWN&e/s/ Cooling Down!
NO_PERMISSION_JOIN&eyou do not have permission to join /g/...
NO_PERMISSION&eyou do not have permission...
SAVE&esave complete...
LOAD&eload complete...
BASE_SET&eBase set for /g/...
PROTECTED_BARRIER_WARNING&ethis area belongs to /g/...
PROTECTED_BLOCK&eblock in /g/ protected area!
PROTECTED_BARRIER&etoo close to /g/ spawn area!
PLAYER_REMOVED_FROM_GUILD&e/p/ was removed from their guild...
YOU_REMOVED_FROM_GUILD&eyou were removed from your guild...
GUILD_NOT_RECOGNISED&eguild /g/ not recognised...
PLAYER_NOT_RECOGNISED&eplayer /p/ not recognised...
CONSOLE_ERRORcommand not supported by console...