
AutoCast is now using Java 6!

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AutoCast In-Game

What is AutoCast?

Well, AutoCast is a plugin developed by OperationVOID, lead by CorruptEntity. AutoCast is a plugin that broadcasts any message at any desired interval. It can have 1-10000000 or more messages. The broadcasts can be any color, or even bold, italic, underscore, and Cross-through. Simply just add the code for it in the messages.txt, and it is there. AutoCast is used by thousands of servers worldwide! Even execute commands through AutoCast!


/autocast - toggles the plugin on and off


Choose your broadcast name. Choose your broadcasting speed. Change the color of your Broadcast. Have your broadcast Bold, Italic, Underscore, or Cross-through. Execute commands through broadcasting. Have unlimited diffrent broadcasts. More to come!

How to install:

1. Download AutoCast.jar and put it in your plugins folder. 2. Edit the config.yml and messages.txt or whatever your global messages file is to the way you like! 3. Run your server!

Color Codes/Text Modifiers

Color Codes/Chat Modifiers


When updating, remember to backup and remove your configuration file before updating. Without doing this, your Bukkit would bug out and the plugin would crash. Remeber NEVER EVER EVER EVER have a extra line on your messages.txt . If you save an extra line, you will get some errors and the plugin would crash. It is reccomended to use the version of the plugin that is made for your version of bukkit. If you are getting a major.minor error, that means AutoCast is using a newer version of Java then you. Simply update Java on your host.


Q: When I edit the file it creates lots of errors. Why?

A: Make Sure your messages.txt does not have an extra and unused line, and make sure you are using the newest version of Java.

Q: Whe I start this plugin for the first time, I get lots of errors. Why is this?

A: When you start the plugin for the first time, Bukkit generates messages.txt then tries to run it, but it is empty. If it is empty it does not know what to broadcast. Simply stop the server, edit it to how you like, and restart the server.

Q: How do i remove text formatting like bold, italic, etc?

A: Use the reset code, which is &r. This removes all colors too.

Team Members







If you need help fixing errors, please ticket this page! thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 1, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 18, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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