Attack On Titan Lite

Attack On Titan Lite v2.0 by GhettoDragon

This plugin is heavily inspired by the hit japanese anime/manga "Attack On Titan"(Shingeki no Kyojin), it is designed to give the player the ability to move around the world of minecraft in the same ways the characters in the source material do using their 3D Maneuver gear.



  1. Make sure you have CraftBukkit 1.7.2 or above implemented in your server.
  2. Copy the file into the plugins directory of your server.
  3. Run your server at least once.
  4. Open the AOT folder in the plugins directory, then open the config.yml.
  5. Add the world names of those you want the plugin enabled on.
  6. Change any other settings to your liking.
  7. Give players the aot.enabled permission so they can use the features of the plugin
  8. Enjoy, and have fun!


- Grapple gear

- Titans (Giants) with Custom pathfinding and ai


- aot.enabled ( Gives player ability to use maneuver gear )

3D Maneuver Gear Controls

  • - right click: Fires right grapple, click again and release quickly to remove grapple.
  • - hold right mouse button: Pulls player toward right grapple.
  • - shift right click: Fires left grapple, click again and release quickly to remove grapple.
  • - hold shift & right mouse button: Pulls player toward left grapple.
  • - double tap space: removes all grapples.

Titan config

  • - Spawn chance: A number between 0 - 100% - Used to prioritize certain types of titan over others.
  • - Titan worlds: The worlds titans will spawn in, be sure to edit this otherwise they won't spawn!
  • - Titan Spawn Cap: The Maximum number of titans allowed to be in a single world before spawning halts.
  • - Max Titans Per Player: The max amount of titans allowed to be near a player before spawning is halted for the player.
  • - Titan Spawn Rate: The rate at which titans will spawn, the higher the number the slower they spawn.


Any feedback is appreciated! Please report any bugs you find as soon as possible.

------------------------------------------- AOT Server


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 10, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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