Change Log

Change Log:


v19.0.1 (Release):

Updated to plugin to Minecraft 1.12


v19.0.0 (Release):

Redesigned the plugin

Added auto update download (on command)

Documented the whole plugin

Added SQLite database to store virtual keys and player data

Made file changes instant (no need to reload anymore)

Changed the way you allocate keys to crates and prizes to crates

Changed virtual crate layout to JSON format

Removed a lot of unnecessary commands

Added GUI menus for most commands making it easier to use the plugin

Plugin is now build fully off the API allowing developers to make better addons

Plugin API is now fully documented with comments



v18.0 {BETA}:

Fixed view prizes permission
Added ability to change the lore of a virtual key
Made viewing prizes based on the key you use to view them
Made it so you can't place or eat keys
Added a warning message if your inventory is full when trying to open a crate
Added SQL support


v17.4 {BETA}:

Updated to 1.9
Fixed bugs which were made by the update


v17.3 (Release):

Fixed a bug where you couldn't use stacked keys
Added a feature where if you put "-1" in the "prizeDisplayDuration" in your crates file it will do a liner roll (Speeds up over time)


v17.2 [BUG]:

Fixed a bug where if you tried to open a crate with out a key it would remove all your items in your hand a part from 1
Added validation and bug reporting. Also if it reports a bug it tells you what file and which part of the file the bug is in. It will also make a error log.log file


v17.1 (Release):

Fixed a bug where the player win amount didn't work
Made it so if a player doesn't have any prize history and you check there history it doesn't show a error.
Fixed a default language fault
Fixed an error where if you clicked out side the virtual key GUI it would error in the console.
Fixed a bug where if you didn't have Vault installed it would show an error in the console
Added a feature which allows you to give players vouchers and they can redeem them for keys
Added /archoncrates nvouch <player> <keyType> <amount> <virtual> to allow you to give players vouchers to redeem (Works even if there offline BUT THEY HAVE TO HAVE PLAYED BEFORE)
Made it so the command to redeem and check vouchers can be changed in the voucher data.yml (Default command "/voucher" to check and "/voucher <voucher>" to redeem them)
Improved the TabComplete for player names
Added an option to enable and disable the fireworks for crates


v17.0 (Release):

Recoded the whole plugin
Improved the API
Made it run with better performance
Added a feature to create multiple types of crates
Added data values for crate blocks
Made it easier to add data values to crate loot items
Changed the chance value to double (Was Integer) which makes it more accurate
Removed the 'id' from the crate loot which was used for the keys (Now just uses the crate loot tag) which made a lot of people confused
Made the signs.yml and the crates.yml file into one file named locations.yml (Saves storage space)
Added a new file called data.yml which stores if a player is in a crate or not
Added a new file called permissions.yml which stores the permissions and allows you to change them
Changed the layout of the config.yml, crate loot.yml, keys.yml, language.yml and the log files.
Made the headers of the editable configs more helpful and updated them
Changed/added lots of new commands
Changed the display of the help page
Changed the keys command to /archoncrates key <player|all> <keyType> <amount>
Changed the create command to /archoncrates create <crateType>
Added createv command to create virtual crates
Changed the info display
Changed the keys display
Changed the reload command to /archoncrates reload <fileType|all>
Added /archoncrates crates which shows a list of all the crates in the crates.yml file
Added /archoncrates files which displays all the fileType(s) which you can reload
Changed what the update command displays
Added/changed a lot of Changed the wording and the colours of the default language.yml file
Added a lot more stuff to the API for developers
Added Prize, Key and Crate objects to the API
Added events to the API eg: OnPlayerCrateWin
Added ENUMS for Language, Permissions, Logging and FileTypes
Added a 'Public' API which is easy to use (For beginners)
Made reloading files easier
Added tab completion for commands
Added Virtual Crates
Added Virtual Keys
Added custom GUI creation
Added customization to the prize chance GUI
Added a ArchonCrates check installed command (/ac?)
Changed the way buy signs work (Works a lot better)
Removed the voting feature


v16.1 (Release):

Added a new message to the update checker in the console
Updated the data logger (This feature is for develop use only)


SPECTRUM UPDATE (v16.0 Release):

Added sub group function (You can now have prizes that give ranks and if the player has a rank better it will add that rank as a sub group)
Added a feature where you can make blocks drop keys
Added some more methods and classes for developers
Fixed a lot of bugs!
Removed the check update command
Made the files more organised (Put the files in folders)
Added custom permissions for prizes
Added key item data values
Added a log file for players
Added a log file for prizes
Added prize win amounts
Added headers to all editable files to make it easier to understand


v15.0 (Release):

Added prize item glow effect
Added per crate keys (Can configure it so you can only use certain keys on certain crates)
Added no lore on keys (Instead of adding a lore do lore: 'none' and you key will have no lore)
Added Votifier support! (New file so you can enable Votifier mode so when a player votes it gives them keys)
Added more messages to the console
Fixed a bug where if you did a command wrong it would just say the usage of the command
Fixed a bug with the buy signs


v14.0 (Release):

Added a feature so you cant place keys
Added a message to the language.yml to change the message given when a player places a key


v13.0 (Release):

Added a custom player only win message (Can be enabled/disabled and changed)
Added custom prize display time (Works in ticks NOT SECONDS (60 ticks = 1sec))
Fixed a few bugs


v12.0 (Release):

Added a auto file updater (When you update the plugin it will update the config files so they are not out of date)


v11.2 (Release):

Added an update applier


v11.1 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a little bug with the data logger


v11.0 (Release):

Added data logging (Personal use!)
Added the ability to left click a crate and see the prizes in the crate (The prizes you can win with the key you have) and with the chance of the prize
Fixed a bug where you could spam keys


v10.2 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug with the update checker


v10.1 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed the bug where some people could not close the GUI

v10.0 (Release):

Fixed a bug with spigot users
Added an update checker (Checks on plugin enable, when oped player joins and on command)
Added a new command "/archoncrates checkupdate"
Added a new permission "archoncrates.checkupdate"
Added per world support for crate opening
Made it so you cant close the crate window if you open a crate (Until it ends)
Made an option in the config so you can make it so players cant open a crate unless they have a key (Early versions you could open the chest)
Added custom win messages for each key (Every key has there own win message)
Made it so if your crate loot does not have ids it will auto set them on enable of the plugin
Made it so if your crate ids don't match your key loot it will warn you in the console
Added the option to change the prize scrolling sound in the config


v9.0 (Release):

Fixed a bug which shows in some peoples console.
Added a new feature to let mobs drop keys on death (Configurable in "mob drop.yml" file)
Added a new key to the default "key.yml" file (Now contains keys "default" and "golden")
Added support for data types in the crate loot (You can now make the crate display items with data types eg: God Apple "322;1")
Added a new loot to the default "crate loot.yml" file (GodApple to show how to use the data type on display items)
Changed/Added a lot of new code (Wil not affect how the plugin works or servers but will affect developers)
Added support for a future feature


v8.3 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug where If you changed the crate title you could take the items from the crate.


v8.2 (Release):

Added a command to give all the players online the amount of keys you enter and the key type you enter
Added permission for the giveall command "archoncrates.key.all"
Added an option for the keys so you can make it glow (Enchant glow)
Added an option to the config so you can set what the Crate title is (default "&aCrate")


v8.1 (Release):

Added multiple key support
Added a command to show all the keys
Added a permission for the keys command
Added a new buy sign variable "<keyType>"


v8.0 (Release):

Made it so more than 1 player can open a crate at 1 time
Made it so the crate loot is in different file
Added back the reload command
Removed the reset command
Added the permission "archoncrates.reload" and ""
Removed the permission "archoncrates.reset"
Added a new command "/ArchonCrates info" which shows info about the plugin and some useful website links
Added some more methods to the API and changed some of it
Changed the code around a bit so it runs smoother and better
Added Vault support for the Economy with the buy sign so the buy sign now works with all Economy plugins supported by Vault
Uploaded the source code to GitHub
Made a Javadoc for the developers
Changed it so all the chances in the loot DONT need to add up to 100


v7.0 (Release):



v6.1 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug where it removed more than 1 key from the players inventory if there keys where separated


v6.0 (Release):

Added a new win screen (Changes all the colours to gray and waits 1.5 seconds before closing (like TheArchon))
Added custom win sound (Set in the config)
Added custom crate effect for when someone is opening a crate (Can be enabled/disabled in config)
Changed the "reload" command to "reset"
Added a reset command to change the "Crate Use" in config to true (For when it bugs and says "This crate is in use" when it is not)
Readded Fireworks for when you win (Bug from last update disabled this)


v5.0 (Release):

Added a new option to have the background of the crate to be mixed colours or a solid colour (Set in config)
Added custom crate locations
Added custom names for the prize for the win message
Added the option to enable/disable the win message for each prize
Added 2 new commands (/Archoncrates create & /ArchonCrates remove)
Added 2 new permissions (archoncrates.create & archoncrates.remove)
Recoded the crate method and events so it runs smoother and is more tidy


v4.0 (Release):

Made the plugin compatible with 1.8
Made the timing for the glass and loot in the crate shorter (It is now faster)


v3.5 [BUG FIX]:

Just change in the code to make it run smoother


v3.4 [BUG FIX]:

Little bug fix for it not changing the "Crate Use" back to false


v3.3 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug where if 2 players opened the crate it would not give of the players the items/command (Made it so only 1 player can use it at a time)


v3.2 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug where you could rename the key item and it would work


v3.1 [BUG FIX]:

Fixed a bug with the crate inventory not closing when the player wins
Fixed a bug with some commands not working


v3.0 (Release):

Added custom win message
Added custom interval time
Added the ability to have more than 1 command
Fixed a bug with commands not working and the inventory not closing on win


v2.0 (Release):

Added a firework for when the player wins


v1.0 (Beta):

Made the plugin (Beta)