AnvilGame - A fun minigame for any server!

AnvilGame is a Bukkit plugin to allow players to play a fun game known as the Anvil Game. In this game, players dodge falling anvils to the last one standing and win prizes for their efforts. This plugin is extremely customizable, and a lot of fun both for administrators and players.

Here is how the AnvilGame works:
An administrator sets up the game area and configures settings (instructions below.) Then, players can type /anvilgame to go to the AnvilGame area. The players will enter through doors specified by an administrator, and then wait in the game area until there a certain amount of people enter the area. Then, a game warmup is started. This warmup lasts for a little while and allows players to teleport in and join the game. At the end of the warmup, the doors close preventing players from entering the game area. Anvils start falling from the ceiling, and the last player alive in the arena wins. At the end of the game, the winner is given several prizes and teleported out of the game area. The area is then cleared, and the doors are opened. At this time, the game is ready for another round.

Try it out:
If you are curious about this plugin, you can try it out on the Muttsworld Survival server. Just go to "" and type /survival. This will take you to the server, where you can try out the game with /anvilgame.

Instructions for setup:
1. Download and install the version of this plugin that corresponds to your bukkit version.
2. Choose two locations that will make a cube of any size you like. At one location, type /agset p1. At the second, /agset p2
3. Find a location near this cube that players can teleport to. Type /agset spawn there.
5. Seal off your game area to prevent players from leaving or getting in, and use /agset door to toggle where doors are. Use doors to let players enter the game area between games.
4. Your game is ready! Now you can customize it using the instructions below.

Administrators can change many settings of this plugin for customization and prevention of abuse.

/agset - displays all /agset <something> commands - not all are listed here
/agset frequency <0-1> changes the frequency of the anvils, 0 being air and 1 being solid anvils.
/agset delay <300-?> - changes the delay between the anvils falling.
Modifiers are added to frequency and delay every time anvils fall, to add some difficulty change to the game.
/agset frequencymod <0-1> - sets the modifier for frequency
/agset delaymod <delaymod> - sets the modifier for delay
/agset broadcastradius <radius> - sets the radius of the broadcast messages (default is 100 blocks, this radius is around the /anvilgame point.)
Rewards are given to winners of the game:
/agset reward add <item name> <quantity>
/agset reward remove <index>
/agset numrewards <num> - set how many rewards are given randomly from the list created with above commands.

Prevention of abuse:
What are cycles? Cycles are a method of preventing abuse of the plugin. You can specify a certain number of seconds to be a "cycle." You can also specify a certain number of games per cycle, or games that may be played during this period. Cycle time is specified in milliseconds and can be set using /ageset cycle <millis>. The number of games per cycle can be set using /agset gamespercycle <games>
/agset minplayers <minplayers> can be used to set the minimum number of players needed to start a game.
Additionally, a warmup time can be specified using /agset warmuptime <millis>
During the warmup period, an announcement is made to all players that the game wi be starting soon, giving them time to teleport in and join the fun.

Other commands:
/aginfo - displays information about all of the settings (Requires AnvilGame.anvilgame permission)
^ this command tends to be very useful!
/agdev - Displays information about the development of the plugin.
/anvilgame - For all users, teleports you to the place previously defined with /agset spawn
A super cool feature included in this plugin is the AnvilGame leaderboard. Type /agleaderboard to see who is best at the game! (/agset leaderboardreset will reset this)

AnvilGame.agset (previously AnvilGame.agmod) - Administrator permission, can be used to set up AnvilGame and change AnvilGame settings.
No other permissions are required!

I know some server owners do not like to install plugins from people they don't trust, so I have packaged my plugin sources in with the .jar file so you can be sure that they are safe to run on your server.

If you have any problems with this plugin, please create a ticket. I will fix them as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, some things you can try:
- Install Java 7
- Download and install the newest version of the plugin
- Pet your cat

Thanks for viewing this plugin, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.
If you would like to request a feature or have any ideas for future plugins, please send me a PM.
A video of the plugin in action:
Also, my Minecraft username is jcholton.

I put a lot of time into this plugin, and I hope that I can put just as much time into future plugins as well. However, I am a freshman in high school and I don't have a lot of time for coding. This plugin is free and always will be, but donations are appreciated. The more you donate, the more time I get to spend on this. Thanks!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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