
Config Explaination:

//Standard Languge you wat to use (see for valid values here)
Language: en
//Command sent to console when someone advertises
Command-Ad: tempban <player> <reasonad> <time>
//Command sent to console when someone spams
Command-Spam: kick <player> <reasonspam>
//The Amount of time they are banned for
Time: 5
//The message players are given if not banned.
Spam_Message: DO NOT SPAM!
//The message players are given if not banned.
//Broadcasts a notification that someone has been punished for advertising
Notification-Message: true
//Says Server is running AntiAd
JoinMsg-On: true
//Check if there are spam
Spam-Detection: true
//Says whether it will detect urls or not
URL-Detection: true
//check if there are any URLS ex.
IP-Detection: true
//Check if all is Caps
Caps-Detection: true
//Checho for long spam 
Spam-Number-Letters-check: true
//Number of characters without a space that become spam
Spam-Number-Letters: 20
//Number of Capital Letters that become spam per word Eg More than 3 Letters Per Word Become Spam (procent is Percentage) 
Spam-Procent-Capital-Words: 80
//What commands the plugin listens to (private, me and so on.)
- /msg
- /me
- /t
- /message
- /tell
//Warns admins when a player is spamming
SpamWarnAdmins: false
//Warns a admin when a player is advertising
AdWarnAdmins: true
//Number of times a player can spam/advertise before a action is taken we recommend it is set on 3.)
warnings: 3

Command-Ad and Command-Spam explanation:

This new method allows you to have fully configuarable actions for both Advertising and Spamming There are five things you can use (Anything in <> is case sensitive:

  • <player> This is the player who advertises/spams
  • <time> The ban time that you have put in the config

You can use these to construct various commands such as: Command-Ad: mute <player> <time> Command-Spam: kick <player> <reason> or/and Command-Ad: tempban <player> <reason> <time> Command-Spam: kill <player>

The fith thing you can use is the command it'self this is the first word in the command, eg:

  • mute
  • kick
  • smite
  • kill
  • ban
  • tempban

Hope this clears it up and the new method is more simple, if you have any queries post in the comments.

Video - How to use Configuration and whitelist.