The Future of AnimalProtect


As you may or may not have allready seen from the comment section of the main plugin, World Guard is now looking at implementing the function of this plugin, Primarily Animal Protection in WorldGuard Regions. Please see

Although it is sad to see that this plugin will eventually become obsolete because of this, I would just like to take the time to thank every member/server owner/developer which has downloaded this plugin, reported bugs and just generally enjoyed having this functionality. Your bug reports have allowed me to continue the development of this and also help other server owners by keeping it as up to date as possible as IRL would allow me. Of course not to mention the insane 29,263 downloads, Most of those possibly bots, but the current 372 servers running this plugin makes me think that this was a great achevement, So I thank you all for giving me the encouragement to continue on with this project over the two years it has been active! (Wow it took that long for WG to want to natively implement that O_o).

Anyway I would also like to thank sk89q and his awesome team (wizjany & zml2008) for keeping the WorldGuard plugin alive and kicking, But not just that but having such an awesome API to allow this plugin to become possible.

So as for the future, I plan on releasing a few more Administrative plugins, Upcoming "Freezer!" plugin which has a funny twist, But I hope to see your support in the future.
Damo1995 Out.**


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