

Minecraft is too easy. Sometimes, beating the game is simple! This plugin will change it all. Add it to your plugins folder, and watch as the game becomes instantly harder.


  • Extreme Explosions - If you thought regular explosions were damaging, these ones will throw you for a loop. Literally!
  • Flint and Steel - How come you can only light blocks on fire? Why not entities? Now, nothing is safe from your neighborhood pyromaniac.
  • Fire Transfer - If a mob damages you when they're on fire, normally you have a small chance of catching aflame. Now, 100% of the time will you too catch fire.
  • Effect Transfer - If a mob has a potion effect, and it attacks you, you now have the effect with the same duration too!
  • Skeleton Arrows - If a skeleton is on fire, they don't usually shoot fire arrows. Until now.
  • Fall Damage - Normal fall damage just does damage. Now, you may be struck with some other ailments too.
  • Anti Sneak - Sneaking offers protection from falling off cliffs. That's no fun. Enjoy having no protection from falling. (*)
  • Regeneration - Default regeneration is too easy. Want a challenge? Once every 10 seconds? 20? 30? Any number is configurable in the settings.
  • Raw Food - Raw food usually has no punishment... but think twice before eating it now! There is a possibility you will get blindness, nausea or hunger too!
  • Water Pressure - As if being able to hold your breath for a limited amount of time was enough, now you have to watch out for going too deep! Unless you have an aqua affinity helmet, be careful! see below
  • Falling blocks - Gravel and sand always fall.. What if other blocks did too? Set the block ID's to fall in the config, and watch them tumble down!
  • Hypothermia - Until now, leather armor was useless. Now, you might have to use it to keep warm or else you might end up frozen! (*)
  • Diseases - Interacting with your pets, animals and friends is safe... unless they've contracted a disease and now you have too. (*)

(*) - To be added, or in the works of being added.

Water Pressure - Known to cause lag, has been removed until fixed.

Visit here if you wish to suggest more features.


  • /as - This command is the main command. Used to view, enable and disable the settings. Use "/as help" through console or ingame for more information.


  • as.admin - Allows the use of /as.


This plugin allows all features to be toggled on and off. Upon first installation, all files will be loaded into ...plugins/AmplifiedSurvival/. From there, each feature has its own separate file to toggle on and off its features. Some features, such as Regeneration allows for 2 settings: Enabled/Disabled and Time.


For help with commands and configuration, please visit here for further instruction If you are stuck and don't know what to do, please submit a ticket.


This is one of my first Bukkit releases, so if you have any suggestions for me I would be more then welcome to hear them. Please visit here to suggest features!


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