Commands AND Features

  • All commands with /AdvenTour in front is by default only usable by OPs. Permission node is needed when using Permissions

OBS: /at works as a shortcut for /AdvenTour

/AdvenTour createworld <name> <seed(optional)>
OBS: This can be done from the console.
This command is used for creating new worlds on your server!
<name> is the name of world
<seed> is optional
/AdvenTour tpworld <world> <player <optional>
OBS: This can be done from the console, but requires a player name!
This command lets you tp yourself or another player to a world.
<world> is the world the player is going to be teleported to.
<player> this is optional. If you don't type it in, it will teleport yourself. If it's typed in, it will teleport the specified in player.
/AdvenTour getworlds
OBS: This can be done from the console!
This command is a usefull admin tool. It will show you all the loaded worlds.
With this you can FX determine how many loaded worlds your server can handle, and set the maxWorlds in the config file to this.
/AdvenTour portal <name> <world> <mode (true/false)>
OBS: This CANNOT be done from the console! The command is by default useable, but what it's used for is by default DEACTIVATED.
More about why further down!
This command allows you to create a portal to another world between 2 locations! The locations you can select by holding a stick in your hand, :and to select position 1, left click, and to select position 2, right click. When a player steps into the area, he will be teleported to the selected world.
<name> is for admins to recognize the portal in the config files.
<world> is the world you would like the player to be teleported to!
<mode> is whether or not the portal is used to create a COPY WORLD of the destination or not. This is either set to TRUE or FALSE.
false means that it is NOT used to copy worlds!
The use of this feature is NOT recommanded! It will take up A LOT of server speed, and that is why it is by default deactivated in the config file!
/AdvenTour setspawn
OBS: This CANNOT be done from the console!
This feature is a "nice to have feature".
There is other plugins out there doing the exactly same thing, but not all is working with the direction the user is looking at, when spawning.
The spawn is also used when teleported through worlds.
/AdvenTour status
OBS: This CANNOT be done from the console!
This is another admin feature! It will allow a player to go into "status mode". That will do so when he/she places a white wool block,
it will be used as 'RED WOOL' or 'GREEN WOOL' to show all players whether or not theres any availeble worlds.
And you guessed right. When theres no more availeble worlds, the blocks becomes red, and when there opens up af world, all the "status blocks" :becomes green!
This way the users won't have to step into the portals, to be told that theres no more availeble worlds.
/AdvenTour template <world>
This will allow the player to join a specifik template world, and change what he likes! This is case-sensetive!
When he is done changing stuff, he can just leave the world to save it.
These template worlds, is also known as main worlds!
/Adventour admin
This will allow the player to gain "admin mode". This means that all blocks that the player PLACES between typing /AdvenTour admin for the first :time, and the second time is saved. Their positions is saved to a file, and if enabled in the specific copy world settings file, the players will afterward :only be able to place blocks on those specifik spots!
/AdvenTour help
OBS: This can be done from the console!
This will as guessed show all of the commands for this plugin, but only for admins!

USER FEATURES + ADMINS (NONE of these can be done from the console)

This is a important feature for all players playing on the server.
When a player is in a world that is not the lobby world, he can type it twice to get teleported out of the current world, to the lobby.
When it is typed the first time, the player will be told to type it again to be teleported.
If a user says this, the players will be teleported temporarly to the lobby, the world will delete, and and new of the same adventure map will be :created, and all the players that was in the world, will automatically be teleported back to the spawn of the map.
This features can be disabled in the config.yml file, and it is also possible to set the maximum number of times as player can use it, before he/she :has to reenter the world. (That way other people has a change to join their world, if there is no more availeble worlds).
This feature can only be used by the player that owns the copy world!
/answer <answer>
This command is not using either '/AdvenTour' or '/at'.
When a user is not in the lobby world, he will each hour be asked to type in a random generated string.
If he does not do this within a minut, he will be kicked from his world to the lobby, so that there might open up af world for other users.
The '/answer' command is also used when a player joins the server. Read more about this under features.
/invite <player>
<player> is the player to invite.
This will allow a player that is in all worlds to be invited to another players world. When a player is invited by another player, he can choose to :accept, but typing in '/invite <player> accept' (where player is the ASKING player) to accept the invitation. After this, the invited player can enter a :custom made "friend portal" to join the friends world.
This will show the player all other players currently in the same world as him!
This wil show the player the current world he/she is in!
/pkick <player>
This will allow a player to kick anyone from his OWN world!
This will allow a player to change between chats! This mean that when the player first connects to the server, he will end up in the "lobby chat", and :will only be able to chat with those in the "lobby chat", and can from there not join another chat! When he then enters another world, he will join :that worlds chat, and get the oppertunity to type /chat to change his chat into the "lobby chat". If he then types it again, he will return to the chat of :the world he is currently in.
OBS: Admins can type /chat <player> to join a chat in a world where the specific player is at the moment.
ALL OP's will have a red name in the chat!
With this, players can check who else is in the same chat as them!


This plugin has even more features!


  • When entering a "copy world" you will as a player that is neither OP or in CREATIVE mode loose your items in the inventory.
  • When a player is in a "copy world", and has not moved for 15 min (can be configured), he will be kicked to the lobby.
  • When a world is ACTIVE it will show up in the root folder, but when no players is in the world, and it is INACTIVE, and will be moved to the folder 'inactive' in the root folder of the minecraft server.
  • All (for now, only the most important) strings given to players (includes admins) can be configed in a config file!
  • Permissions on all commands! 1 permission for each user command, but only 1 permission for all admin commands.
  • When a player joins the server and already have a world copy, he will be asked wether or not he wants to delete it. If he types '/answer yes' he will be teleported to that world. If he types '/answer no' the world will be deleted, and there can be assigned a new "copy world" for him, when entering a portal. If the player does not answer, nothing will happen (usefull if the player wants to stay in the lobby & want's to keep his world)! The users will also be asked this question if they try to get a new "copy world" attached to them, when they already got one!
  • When a player leaves a copy world, his position will be saved for the next time he enters. The position will be deleted if the player deletes his world!
  • If a player right clicks a bed, while in a copy world, he will set the spawn of that copy world to the bed. This means that if he dies, he will start there.
  • Nether portals within copy worlds, only teleports the player to the nether for that current world, if it exists. Or else it will tp the player to the lobby.
  • Individual config file for each main world. These config files (settings.yml) is created with default settings, the first time the main world is loaded. In here you will be able to change witch blocks CAN be placed, OR CANNOT be placed. AND you can specify witch blocks that CAN be broken, OR CANNOT be broken! You can also disable creepers, and set the difficulty of the map (fx to 'peaceful' to get rid of all mobs). In the settings file you can also change wether or not to use the "admin mode feature" (/adventour admin), to decide exactly where players can PLACE blocks.
  • A message to the players in the same world as you when you either leave or enter the world.
  • Max loaded worls at the same time! Can be set in config.yml in the default plugin folder.
  • worlds (used for copy worlds) can be set in config.yml. These worlds is used for "copy worlds"!
  • Max chat log file size. This sets the max file size of the log, before it will move it to a new name, and create a new log file for new logging.
  • Every 60 min (can be configured in config.yml), a player (if not in the lobby world), will receive a message asking to type in a random string on 5 chars. If not done within 3 min (can be configured in config.yml), the player will be kicked to the lobby!



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