AdvancedAFK - Configuration

How to configure AdvancedAFK

There are some easy and complicated settings in AAFK's config.

Afk Section:

if you disable this players won't get any warnings before they get kicked
the time in seconds before a player gets a warning
the message a player gets if hes no longer afk
the message a player gets if hes afk

Kick Section:

if you disable this players won't be kicked when afk to long
the time in seconds before a player gets kicked
the reason other players get displayed when a player gets kicked

Logging Section:

if a player walks MAX_LOGGED_LOCATIONS times over the same blocks over and over again, hes afk
Small description:
A player walks a way 1x10 blocks from one side to the other and back so he walks over 10 different blocks.
If MAX_LOGGED_LOCATIONS is bigger or equal 10 he will be afk if he does not do something else then walking.
if MAX_LOGGED_LOCATIONS is 9 or smaller he will not be afk, because for the system he always gets on at least 1 not logged block
This should save your server from players running in circles :P
Keep in mind, running a circle of 5x5 blocks is (5x5)-(4x4) blocks = 9 blocks should be logged.

the maximum count of logged actions, shouldn't be to small, or you will get false positives
Small description:
If you choose to log less actions, e.g. 20 then a player that e.g. kills some mobs in a mob farm will get tagged
if he kills a maximum of 20 mobs without moving.
So MAX_LOGGED_ACTIONS should be relatively big number, I thought 100 should be enough, and for my server it was by now.

The next settings are maximum times an action can be performed, before beeing tagged as afk, without doing something else.
Setting one of these to MAX_LOGGED_ACTIONS will eliminate that a player gets afk by only doing this action.
For every number between 1 and MAX_LOGGED_ACTIONS-1 it means,
if a player does it X Times without doing something else, he will get tagged as afk.
should be near MAX_LOGGED_ACTIONS because if you build/break/use its interacting
shouldn't be to small
How many times a player can change his item in hand
How many times a player can leave his bad ? LoL ?
How many times a player can toggle sneaking
How many times a player can drop an item
How many times a player can pickup an item
How many times a player can chat
How many times a player can move a block further, should always be the same as MAX_LOGGED_ACTIONS
If not, your players will get tagged as afk while walking :D

MESSAGE Section:

Now something easy again, the messages a player gets when doing something to often.
One message always contains MESSAGE_BEFORE + one of the other MESSAGE_XXX settings.

So lets say a player drops to much items the message he gets will be:
Please do something else then dropping items

The space between those two is automaticaly added.


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