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Welcome to Adminify!

From the creator of discounted CommandBin, comes Adminify! Adminify is the next alternative to great server-essential plugins. It requires no configuration, all of it's data is stored in a sqlite database and better yet, it's completely bug-free!

Why should I choose to use Adminify?

Adminify is run by one person, so there is no collaboration work done. So in this case, it will be very easy to push out quick updates to take advantage of any new Bukkit API features that become available, meaning a better experience for you.

Ok.. how easy is it to install?

It's very easy, simply go to the Download button at the top, click on the version you want, download the .jar, drop it into the plugins directory and /reload in-game! Done, installed. Adminify sets up all the database tables for you automatically so you don't have to.

It has no configuration. Why?

Configurations generally tend to be messy as updates roll out overtime so instead of dealing with that, getting rid of any sort of configuration option was going to be the best way and to keep any stored data in the plugins/Adminify/adminify.db file. Meaning if you ever need to move plugin data, all you got to do is drag and drop the .db file.

What type of permission format does it have?

A very easy one, it's simply followed by Adminify.<command>. (Capital A is optional, but it stands out better in your permissions file).

Where can I view all of these permissions?

You can click the permissions button here or click the permissions button at the top of this page.

What type of license does Adminify use?

Adminify is completely open-source, which you can tell as it has a public GitHub. If you ever feel like there needs to be change in Adminify and you're a developer, just send off a pull request and I'll check up on it and see if it's worthy adding!

Does Adminify provide any sort of API?

Infact it does! If you're a developer and you want to incorporate Adminify into your plugin to do the hard work for you, simply include the "Util" class in your class like this:

Util AdmAPI = new Util();
AdmAPI.setGod(player, true);

API usage is all found in the Util class, so check it out for yourself on the Util class on GitHub.

/adminify Command Information

The 'adminify command has a feature where it will let you know if the developer of Adminify is currently on your server. This is just for verification. This result may not be accurate on offline servers where name-faking is possible.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 20, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 4, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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