
Adminify Permission

Adminify permissions are easily understood and great to manage.

/freeze <player>Toggle on or off the freezing of a player, will prevent them from movingAdminify.freeze
/alert <message>Alert in chat with text that stands out, great for announcing important messages.Adminify.alert
/clearClear your own inventory, leaving it squeaky clean.Adminify.clear
/clear <player>Clear another player's inventory, getting rid of their nasty items.Adminify.clear.others
/adminifyBasic information about Adminify, including if the creator is online or not.
/flyToggle your flying ability, even works in
/fly <player>Toggle another player's flying
/godToggle your god-mode status, works in survival.Adminify.god
/god <player>Toggle another player's god-mode status.Adminify.god.others
/healHeal your own hearts, filling them up to the max.Adminify.heal
/heal <player>Heal another player's heartsAdminify.heal.others
/hit <player>Hit a player with a random damage between 1 and 3 heartsAdminify.hit
/homeTeleport to your own home, if you got oneAdminify.home
/killKill yourself, maybe you got stuck in a hole.Adminify.kill
/kill <player>Kill a player, they are the bad ones!Adminify.kill.others
/lastposTeleport to your last position before you teleported elsewhereAdminify.lastpos
/lastpos <player>Teleport to another player's last positionAdminify.lastpos.others
/msg <player> <message>Send a private message to a playerAdminify.msg
/mute <player> <seconds>Mute a player, let them be quiet in chat.Adminify.mute
/sethomeSet your home location to where you're standingAdminify.sethome
/spawnTeleport to your world spawnAdminify.spawn
/spawn <player>Teleport a player to their world spawnAdminify.spawn.others
/spawnmob <mob> <amount>Spawn x amount of mobs where you're pointingAdminify.spawnmob
/strike <player>Strike a player, they're probably pretty annoying.Adminify.strike
/time <day/night/add> timeToggle between day and night with the time commandAdminify.time
/tp <player>Teleport to a player's
/tp <player> <player>Teleport one player to
/tp <x> <y> <z>Teleport yourself to entered
/vanishMake yourself invisible from all players on the serverAdminify.vanish
/msg [player] [message]Send a player a private messageAdminify.msg
/gm [s/c/a/0/1/2/survival/creative/adventure]Set your own gamemodeAdminify.gamemode.<gamemode>
/gm [s/c/a/0/1/2/survival/creative/adventure] <player>Set another players gamemodeAdminify.gamemode.<gamemode>.others
feedFeed yourself to max hungerAdminify.feed
/feed <player>Feed a player to max hungerAdminify.feed.others
/rideCause two entities to ride each otherAdminify.ride
/setspawnSet the current world spawnAdminify.setspawn
/snowmanToggle your snowman stateAdminify.snowman
/bed [player]Get the bed location of an online playerAdminify.bed
/craftOpen a portable crafting workbenchAdminify.craft
/enderOpen your own ender chestAdminify.ender
/ender <player>Open another players ender chestAdminify.ender.others
/openinv [player]Open another players inventoryAdminify.openinv
/playerinfo [player]Get detailed information on a playerAdminify.playerinfo
/flyspeed [speed]Set your flying speed, goes from 0.1 (default) to 1.0Adminify.flyspeed
/walkspeed [speed]Set your walk speed, goes from 0.2 (default) to 1.0Adminify.walkspeed
/warpspeedMax flying and walking speed, speed & jump potions toggledAdminify.warpspeed
/put [player]Put a player at your target locationAdminify.put
/repairRepair a tool you are
/tpa [player]Request a teleport to a playerAdminify.tpa
/confirm [player]Confirm a teleport requestAdminify.confirm
/deny [player]Deny a teleport requestAdminify.deny
/readyup <radius>Set all players within a radius's food and hearts to max (good for events)Adminify.readyup
/maxhealth <player> [hearts]Set how many hearts you haveAdminify.maxhealth
/kmobKill all passive and monster entities in your worldAdminify.kmob
/motdPrint to you the motd.txt from the Adminify/ directoryAdminify.motd
/fireworkshow <seconds>Create a cool firework showAdminify.fireworkshow
/target <player>Point your compass towards a
/kickstickGives you a stick which will kick people when you right click them.Adminify.kickstick
/iprop <name/lore> <value>Change an item's property, put blank as the value for no name.Adminify.iprop
/countdown <seconds>Show your server a countdown timer.Adminify.countdown

Additional Permissions

Adminify.vanish.exemptYou will still be able to see vanished players
Adminify.colorHave the ability to use color codes in chat using &


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