
  1. Notifications:
    # If set to true, players will be notified when they break a block.
    BlockBreak: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when they place a block.
    BlockPlace: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when a block is ignited.
    BlockIgnite: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when they change a sign's text.
    SignChange: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when they right-click on a block.
    PlayerInteract: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when they enchant an item.
    EnchantItem: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when they damage an entity.
    EntityDamage: true

    # If set to true, players will be notified when their item breaks.
    ItemBreak: true

    # Sets a cooldown time (in seconds) between notifications for a player.
    # For example, if set to 5, after a player receives a notification, they won't receive another one for the next 5 seconds.
    CooldownSeconds: 5


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