

The following is a list of all of Abyss's sub-commands.


  • Command: /abconfig [portal] <[key]<: value>; ...>
  • Wand: /abwand config <[key: value]; ...>

This command is used to apply configuration to the targeted portal, letting you customize aspects of portals that cannot be changed with the item frames. For example, /abconfig stendec365-1 name: Spawn would rename the portal stendec365-1 to Spawn.

This command requires at least one configuration option to work.

colorSets the color of the portal to the provided value. Values can be either a number (0-15) or the name of the color.
destAlias for destinations.
destinationsThe destination ID for this portal. If this is set to a value greater than 288, or less than 0, the destination frames will display bedrock blocks.
idThe ID of the portal on its network. If this is set to a value greater than 288, or less than 0, the ID frames will display bedrock blocks.
nameSets the name of the portal to the provided value.
ownerSets the owner of the portal to the specified player.
rangeSets the range multiplier of the portal to the provided value, making it possible to link to portals that would normally be too far away.
rotAlias for rotation.
rotationSets the portal's rotation, moving the item frames into the new positions properly. Values can be either a number (0-3), a direction, or a rotation name (such as flipped).
speedAlias for velocity.
velocitySets the velocity multiplier of the portal to the provided value.


  • Command: /abcreate [block] <[key]<: value>; ...>
  • Wand: /abwand create <[key]<: value>; ...>

This command attempts to create a portal at the targeted block, and once the portal has been created successfully, it applies any provided configuration pairs to the portal as if they were used with the Configure command. For example, to create a portal named Spawn, you could do: /abcreate * name: Spawn

Additionally, the create command accepts an additional configuration value.

sizeThe specific size for the portal to create, bypassing the configured minimum and maximums sizes.

If you wish to create a five by eight portal, it's as easy as: /abcreate * size: 5x8


  • Command: /abdelete [portal]
  • Wand: /abwand delete

This command deletes the targeted portal.


  • Command: /abdest [portal]
  • Wand: /abwand dest

This command lists all of the targeted portal's destinations, stating whether or not any given destination is unobstructed and within range. This is useful for debugging your portal networks.


  • Command: /abinfo [portal]
  • Wand: /abwand info

This command displays detailed information about the targeted portal. This is useful for debugging your portal networks.


  • Command: /ablist <@owner> <personal|item|all> <color>

This command lists all portals that match the given criteria. You can display a list of all portals owned by a specific player, as well as a list of portals on a specific network. The command displays slightly more information when used from the console.


  • Command: /abmod [portal] [index] <[key]<: value>; ...>
  • Wand: /abwand mod <[key]<: value>; ...>

This command applies configuration flags to the targeted portal modifier. It's easiest to use this command as a wand, but you can use it by command by supplying a modifier index. If you don't know the index, you may use the Information command to see a list of all the portal's modifiers and their indices.

See the page on Portal Modifiers for specific information on what flags you may use.


  • Command: /abreload

This command forces Abyss to immediately save all its portals, then reload its configuration and portals from files, as though it were starting up. This can be used to apply configuration changes.

Note: Some changes, such as modifying use-worldguard will not take affect because of this command and will require a server restart.


  • Command: /abtp [portal] <player> <speed-x> <speed-y> <speed-z>
  • Wand: /abwand tp <player> <speed-x> <speed-y> <speed-z>

This command teleports the given player (or yourself if no player is specified) to the targeted portal. If a set of speed values are provided, the teleported player will be ejected from the portal with that velocity. Use responsibly, as it's very easy to kill someone with a high exit speed.


  • Command: /abupdate <check>

This command will check for any available updates for Abyss and begin downloading an update if one is available, to be applied when the server is restarted. You may also merely check for available updates.


  • Command: /abutility [portal] [index] <block>
  • Wand: /abwand utility

This command relocates a portal modifier's Utility Block. See Portal Modifiers: Utility Block for more information.


  • Command: /abwand <uses> [command] <arguments>

This command creates a new Portal Wand for the provided command. You may make a wand with a limited number of uses by specifying the number of uses before the command. Any additional arguments after the command name will be stored in the wand, to be sent to the command when the wand is used.

For example, the command /abwand 1 config name: Fish Sticks will create a one-use wand that will rename the portal it's used on to Fish Sticks.


Many commands require that you specify a block or portal to use them. That are several ways to do so:

Exact Coordinates

  • Format: @x,y,z<,world>
  • Example: @32,80,-728,world_nether

If you know the exact location of the block or portal, you may provide the coordinates with an @ symbol, followed by the coordinates separated by commas. If you don't specify a world, it will use the world you're currently in. You may give a world's name or UUID.

Player Location

  • Format: +<player>
  • Example: +notch

You may use the location a player is standing with the + symbol. If you don't specify a player name, it will use your own location.

Player Target

  • Format: *<player>
  • Example: *notch

You may use the location that you're looking with the * symbol, which searches up to wand-range blocks away for a solid or liquid block. If you don't specify a player name, it will use your own line of sight.

This makes it easy to interact with portals without using wands, as you can simply look at the correct portal.

Portal Name / UUID

Note: This is only valid for finding portals and not blocks.

If you know the name or UUID of a portal, you may use the name to target it directly.


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