Web Inventory

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Web Inventory

Ever wanted to have a database of players like in WoW and any other RPG game where you are able to view others player inventories and see their items? Well, here it is! You can view inventory of any player and see all their items and stuff like custom item names, lores, level, hp and last logout time.

Plugin synchronizes the database everytime player leaves the server. I have seen many people asking about something like this but I have need been able to find any suitable plugin so I decided to write one myself. This plugin is mainly for RPG servers or servers which have a lot of custom items.

- Show player inventory and their items
- Player's Level
- Player's HP
- Player's logout time
- Support for Item enchantments
- Support for item stack size
- Armor support (v0.4)

You can try and see how it works right HERE (type example for a good preview of what plugin can show or any other player name)

How to install:
Installation can be a little bit complicated relative to other plugins but it is fairly straight forward!

1) Download .jar plugin and place it in your plugin folder
2) This plugin requires SQLibrary! Download it HERE. Without it this plugin wont work!
3) Start server and let plugin generate config
4) Open config.yml and put your MySQL details
5) Restart your server

Next part is about the web.

6) Open up folder which contains web files
7) Open config.php and put your MySQL details
8) Upload whole folder on your web and test it! Or if you are more advanced you can implement this wherever you want on your website :)
9) Done!

I am open up for any suggestions. For those who are unable to implement my code to their websites I will be making more nicer default web page. As I said this is very early stage of the plugin and I will be improving it as well as the web side part and again I am open for suggestions or criticism.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 9, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Feb 23, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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