Warp Suite

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

One Warping Plugin To Rule Them All

Public Warps

WarpSuite handles warps that everybody can use! Oh, you have a warp that you only want some people to use... Sorry, can't help yoGET BACK HERE! WarpSuite can handle public warps on a permission by permission node basis, giving you maximum control over who can use what warps! Or if you don't care about that and want everybody to use your public warps, just give warpsuite.public.warp.*, and forget about it. More on permission nodes later...

Private Warps

Oh so you are looking for a plugin that can handle warps just on a player by player basis. You're also(/still) in luck! Players can all have their private warps to have fun with, if you want that is. You could shut that off and just stick with the public warps. Or vice versa. Your server, not mine.

Private and Public Warps?

Indeed. You can have both! WarpSuite manages a set of public warps that everybody can access (if they have the right permissions), and a set of private warps that each player manages. In the configuration you can choose how the plugin works, by having it look for public warps then private warps, or vise versa when they type the simple /warp [warpname] command, However, players will always be able to explicitly reference what warp they want to go to, if there is a public warp and a private warp with the same name. More on this later.


WarpSuite can boast full compatibility with any and every plugin you have on your server. It only registers the commands
- warp
- delwarp
- setwarp
and in it's configuration file you can choose to let WarpSuite back down and let another plugin use one of the commands (would not reccomend, because you are installing this plugin because you want to use it, right?), or override a plugin that has registered one of the commands it wants to use. If you don't tell it to override the commands, essentials will take over. If you do tell it to override the commands, essentials will be taken over, meaning that this plugin and essentials can coincide in perfect harmony. BUT why use this command instead of essentials' warp functionality? Read on, my friend:

Administrative Powers

If you want just a /warp, /setwarp and /delwarp, you're in luck! WarpSuite has got your back! But... so does every single other warp plugin out there too. However, with WarpSuite's rich set of commands, you have full control over all of your user's warping shenanigans.

Console Power

The console can do must of what admins can do, managing both private player warps and public warps. The only thing it can't do is set warps because... well ya know... it's a console.

It's Social

If you're one for private warps, I got some news for ya. Players, giving they have the permissions, can invite other players to their warps. It's like TeleConfirmLite meets warps!

It's Limiting

Nah, you're not limited... unless you find yourself in certain circumstanced dictated by your warpsuite config that is. WarpSuite can handle when players can warp or not, and you get to choose what it's deciding factors are. There is a timer that will wait x amount of seconds before a player warps. The timer (and thus the warp) can be cancelled if the player:
- moves
- gets hit by a mob
- engages in pvp
This makes WarpSuite great for any server that has pvp'ing or what have you. Or you could shut off this feature entirely if you don't like it. See more about this in the configuration section.

It's Whatever You Want It To Be

With the extensive config and permission nodes, it can be whatever you want. If you want all the fancy features listed above, you're in luck. If you just want /warp, /setwarp and /delwarp, you're still in luck. You can have anything inbetween too!

The Peanut Butter


yes, yes, you probably want to know all about this configuration that I've been talking about. Have a look!

timer: 10
radius: 10
  playerPVP: true
  move: true
  mobDamage: true
globalWarpsCountTowardsTotal: false
defaultMaxWarps: 50
warpInviteTimeout: 120
useMultiverse: true
warpListPages: true
defaultToPublicWarp: true
  warp: false
  delwarp: false
  setwarp: false

timer: how long until a player is warped. If you set this to 0, you shut off this function, and all players are warped immediately.
CancelOn.playerPVP: if a player engages in pvp the warp timer is cancelled
CancelOn.move: if a player moves, his/her/its warp timer is cancelled
CancelOn.mobDamage: the timer is cancelled if the player is hit by a mob
globalWarpsCountTowardsTotal: You can set a maximum amount of warps a player can own (see permissions). With this set to true, public warps go towards the player's total owned warps.
defaultMaxWarps: If you decided not to specify how many warps a player can own, this is how many they can have
warpInviteTimeout: This is how many seconds until a warp invite times out
useMultiverse: If you have multiverse-core on your server and this is set to true, when a player tries to warp to a world that is not loaded, it'll use multiverse to load the world before the player warps to it.
warpListPages: If this is set to true, your warps are listed in a fancy page system. If this is set to false, it'll print all the warps in the chat at once, comma delimited.
defaultToPublicWarp: this is what I was talking about earlier, if this is true, and a player has a private warp with the same name as a public warp, the player will be warped to the public warp. If false, the player will be warped to their private warp.
forceCommandOverride.warp: if /warp is overriden by this WarpSuite forceCommandOverride.setwarp: if /setwarp is overriden by this WarpSuite forceCommandOverride.delwarp: if /delwarp is overriden by this WarpSuite


User nodes
warpsuite.help: if players can view the help
warpsuite.warp: if players can warp to their private warps
warpsuite.warp.set: if players can set their private warps
warpsuite.warp.remove: if players can remove their private warps
warpsuite.warp.list: if players can list their private warps
Admin nodes
warpsuite.admin.warp: if an admin can warp to a player's private warp
warpsuite.admin.sendto: if an admin can send a player to one of the player's warps
warpsuite.admin.tomy: if an admin can send a player to one of the admin's warps
warpsuite.admin.set: if an admin can set player's private warps
warpsuite.admin.remove: if an admin can remove a player's private warps
warpsuite.admin.list: if an admin can list a player's private warps
Public nodes
warpsuite.public.warp: if someone can warp to public warps
warpsuite.public.set: if someone can set public warps
warpsuite.public.remove: if someone can remove public warps
warpsuite.public.list: if someone can list public warps
warpsuite.public.sendto: if someone can send someone else to a public warp (would recommend for admins)
warpsuite.public.warp.<public warp name>: if someone can warp to that warp
warpsuite.public.warp.*: if someone can warp to all public warps
Invites warpsuite.invite: if someone can send warp invites
warpsuite.invite.accept: if someone can accept invites
warpsuite.invite.deny: if someone can deny invites
warpsuite.count.<#>: The max amount of warps a player with this node can have
warpsuite.count.infinite: If there is no limit to the amount of warps a player can have
warpsuite.delay.bypass: If a player bypasses the warping delays/timer
warpsuite.reload: If someone can reload the config files

Other nodes
warpsuite.user: permissions reccomended for a user
warpsuite.admin: permissions recommended for an admin
waprsuite.warp.*: all warp permissions
warpsuite.invite.*: all invite permissions
warpsuite.admin.*: all admin permissions
warpsuite.public.*: all public warp permissions
warpsuite.*: all warpsuitepermissions
To view what all of these nodes contain, look at the plugin.yml in the warpsuite.jar
The nodes were tested with PermissionsBukkit (not pex) so I can't make any gurantees with pex


Note: [brackets mean mandatory argumnets] and (parentheses mean optional arguments)
/warp [warpname] - sends you to a specified warp
/warp set [warpname] - sets or overwrites a warp (also /setwarp)
/warp remove [warpname] - removes a warp (also /delwarp)
/warp list - lists your warps
/warp [playername] [warpname] - warps you to a player's warp
/warp [playername] to their [warpname] - warps a player to their warp
/warp [playername] to my [warpname] - warps a player to your warp
/warp [playername] set [warpname] - sets a player's warp
/warp [playername] remove [warpname] - removes a player's warp
/warp [playername] list - lists a player's warps
/warp public [warpname] - sends you to a public warp
/warp set public [warpname] - sets a public warp
/warp remove public [warpname] - removes a public warp
/warp list public (page) - lists public warps
/warp [playername] to public [warpname] - warps a player to a public warp
/warp invite [playername] to [warpname] - invites a player to your warp
/warp accept - accepts a warp invite
/warp deny - denies a warp invite
/warp reload - reloads the warpsuite configuration

You wanted a /go command?

GOOD! All commands can also start with /go instead of /warp!

Can't Remember Commands?

Keep it intuitive. A lot of these arguments can be changed if they make sense. For instance: /warp del [warpname]
/warp clear [warpname]
/warp delete [warpname]
all do the same thing. I would write all of the argument alternatives, but I already feel my carpal tunnel brewing


Yes you probably want the source for this monster of about 3,500 lines of code of a plugin. I present unto you: The Source


  • Integration into economy (via vault)

Final Notes

  • This is WarpSuite's first release, so I am making no gurantees that it's bug free. I've been working on it for about 4 days straight, and it's been through a bit of testing.
  • The /warp help command will only display commands available to the sender of that command, so the console will only see the commands the console can use, and players only see commands they have permission to use.
  • The Help list will only let the player know there is a page argument for list commands if you have the config set to list warps as pages. If you don't, then there are no pages, thus nobody knows about the page list argument :)
  • Players will only see public warps in their warp list if they have permission to access that public warp. Public warps will appear as a different color at the top of warp lists, to avoid confusion. If the player doesn't have permissions to go to a certain public warp, they have no way of knowing it exists.
  • The permissions are not very well tested. There are a lot of them and I'd probably rot before I got through off of them extensively. I'm releasing the plugin because I think the next thing to do is to test this thing in the field. I don't have a server that would use this plugin, so I'm leaving it to you guys. I've tested it a lot, but as users, you guys are the best at breaking plugins (no offense). If you find an error, be it grammatical, logical, or fatal, do send me your stack trace, and your configuration file and maybe some circumstances so I can try to recreate and fix this problem.
  • You need to completely reload/restart the server for changes in the config regarding command overriding to take place


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