
Skyauth - A simple auth plugin

This documentation is for : Skyauth v0.7.x

Skyauth is a lightweight auth plugin with a simple register / login system.

Thanks to OutGame for helping me to translate this page ;)

This plugin uses MCStats and the Skyupdater.

Commands and Permissions

/login <password> - skyauth.login - Login on the server. The player will be disconnected when his session expires. (See below.)

/logout - skyauth.logout - Logout from the server.

/register <password> <confirm> - skyauth.register - Register on the server. It will give you an unique code for changing your password later if you want.

/change <code> <password> <confirm> - skyauth.change - Change the password on the server. The code is gave when you register.

/reload-skyauth - skyauth.change - Reload the config / MySQL database.

The permission skyauth.bypass is used for bypassing all the auth system, so be careful when you use it !


Please edit the config file only when your server is stopped !


SessionLength - The length of each player session. (In sec.)

ForgiveDelay - The delay for forgiving the player when he has entered some wrong passwords. (In sec.)

MaxTry - Set the max try number for /login.

ReloadDelay - The delay between two plugin reloads (for MySQL / config update).

PasswordAlgorithm - The encryption of players passwords. Can be 'PLAIN', 'CHAR', 'MD2', 'MD5', 'SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384' or 'SHA-512'.

CheckForUpdates - Choose if you want to automatically check and update this plugin.


Here you can edit the plugin messages.

If you have a translation and want to share it with people, simply post a comment with a link to your 'messages.yml' file.

Translations :

French by Info4Geek - Skyauth v0.7.x.

Polish by THEkondiMAN - Skyauth v0.7.x.

Czech by MareonCZ - Skyauth v0.7.x.


Use - Choose if you want to use a MySQL database.

Username - Your MySQL username.

Password - Your MySQL password. We will NOT send your password to any server excepted for commercials usages... No, this is a simple joke !

Host - Your MySQL host. You can have a free database here ;)

Database - Your MySQL database.

Port - Do not touch at this if you do not know your port !


Donate for Skyauth

Development cost time and time is the money of the life. Please feel free to donate.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 14, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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