

This plugin is my first public one. It is simple requires only a few commands then all you to do is have fun.

==== Guns ====

DiamondSword shoots Fireballs.

DiamondHoe shoots Eggs.

Stick shoots Snowballs.

DiamondShovel shoots Snowballs.

Bow shoots Arrows like a minigun but if you have Arrows in your inv it shoots like a normal bow.

==== How to use ====

First get one of the guns then right click. Its as easy as that.

==== Commands ====

-/guns ak47 = gives you a stick to shoot snowballs

-/guns pistol = gives you a Diamond shovel to shoot snowballs out of.

-/guns minigun = gives you a bow to shoot arrows rapidly out of

-/guns launcher = gives you a diamond sword to shoot snowballs out of

-/guns rifle = gives you a diamond hoe to shoot eggs out of

==== Config ====

The config is easy to use. Anything with damage in it sets how much damage the ammo does. EX 20.0 kills players 1 hit. 10.0 does 5 hearts etc. The DiamondSword does have other settings such as SwordFire this makes it so the fireballs set fire. EX do true for fire false for no fire. Also it has SwordLaunch which sets how much blocks around where you hit breaks. EX 12. WARNING I recommend not to go past 100 or your server will get quite laggy.

Config Example

SwordFire: true

SwordLaunch: 5

SwordDamage: 10.0

StickDamage: 10.0

BowDamage: 10.0

ShovelDamage: 10.0

HoeDamage: 10.0

==== Permissions ====

guns.dsword allows you to shoot the fireballs from the DiamondSword.

guns.bow allows you to shoot Arrows from a bow.

guns.stick allows you to shoot Snowballs from a Stick.

guns.dhoe allows you to shoot Eggs from a DiamondHoe.

guns.dshovel allows you to shoot Snowballs from a DiamondShovel.

guns.launchercomm allows you to use /guns launcher

guns.ak47comm allows you to use /guns ak47

guns.riflecomm allows you to use /guns rifle

guns.miniguncomm allows you to use /guns minigun

guns.pistolcomm allows you to use /guns pistol

==== Tutorial (German) ====

==== Servers That Have This Plugin ====

if you have this plugin on your server put your server ip in the comments and it'll get added.

==== To Do ====

-Make Shovel shoot

- Add economy support

Feel free to leave suggestions :)

==== Warning ====

If you download this plugin all arrows you shoot disappear, and eggs you shoot wont spawn chickens.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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