Protection Fields

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


How to install (Nothing special)

This plugin allows users to create fields that will protect their land provided they keep placing items in the chest. The shield will continually consume items from the chest/trapchest as power. If the shield doesn't have any power the shield will not protect your land.


Fields protect against people teleporting inside without permission.

Fields protect against outsiders being able to open chests. (People are able to bypass the Field's blocker with hacks.)

Fields can protect against liquid griefing.

Protect against liquid grief

Fields can protect against TNT and Creeper explosions.


Protect against explosionsProtect against explosions

Fields DOES NOT YET protect against gravel and sand greif.


The following distances are customisable in the config.yml.

  • Iron gives a radius of 9 blocks with 2 extra for glass
  • Gold gives a radius of 14 blocks with 2 extra for glass
  • Diamond gives a radius of 26 blocks with 2 extra for glass
  • Emerald gives a radius of 54 blocks with 2 extra for glass

ProtectionField ranges

For the creation and the usage of ProtectionFields, no permission nodes are needed.



- Fields.*
- Fields.whitelisted
- Fields.cantCreate
- Fields.exemptFromMaxLimit
- Fields.exemptFromHomeLimit
- Fields.canTogglePassthrough
- Fields.canDisplayAll

Permission Description

        //Gives all the commands. The player is treated as an admin and can destroy and build where ever they want. They can also edit other's fields.

        //Puts the users invisibly on the whitelist

        //Prevents a user from making a Field

        //Allows to player to make as many Fields as they want, regardless of what the config.yml has set the max too.

        //Allows a player to change if the Field should block outsiders from entering, regardless of if the config.yml is preventing players from changing the setting.

        //Allows a player to display their whole Field in it's entirety. This is disabled by default since it can cause some lag; Players have the alternative of using /pf display instead of /pf displayAll.

Detailed Creation

ProtectionFields can be created with 5 blocks of either Iron, Gold, Emerald or Diamond.

Field.cantCreate will prevent the user from being able to create the Fields.

Below you can see the different types of Field. The glowing effect on the bottom Fields shows that they are powered. ProtectionField types

This is how you create and fuel a Field. Different items have different burn times. ProtectionField creation


The main root for commands are

/pf, /protectionfields, /protectionfield, /fields and /field

Player Commands

There are a *lot* more commands than are shown here. Please see the bottom of the config.yml to view them all.

/pf add <playername>

Adds a player to the nearest field.

Note: Only the Owner of the field and Whitelisters can use this.

/pf remove <playername>

Removes a player from the nearest field.

Note: Only the Owner of the field and Whitelisters can use this.

/pf info

Shows the Owner, all the people who have access and the distance to the NEAREST Field.

Admin Commands

/pf whitelist

Lists all the players currently on the whitelist

Note: Whitelist resets upon reload. Note: Whitelist allows a person access to all Fields as their owner.

/pf whitelistadd <playername>

Adds a new player to the whitelist.

Note: Only OPs and people with -Fields.whitelisted can use this command

/pf whitelistremove <playername>

Removes a player from the whitelist.

Note: Only OPs and people with -Fields.whitelisted can use this command

Different Languages

More languages to come. Click the flags to download the specific language packs.

German Made by 5899 Made by 5899

English/US Made by Bawat Made by Bawat

French Made by Bawat Made by Bawat

Spanish Made by MarkosTech Made by Bawat

  1. Download the file
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Copy ProtectionFields_Language.txt
  4. Paste in \plugins\ProtectionFields\

In Progress

  1. Prepare plugin for 1.13
  2. Investigate and fix Languages file
  3. Reduce cpu usage
  4. Fix bug where other people can get suck inside Field upon creation
  5. Changable Field fuel consumption in Config file
  6. Add Fuel whitelist and blacklist
  7. Add "minimum field creation distance" config option
  8. Allow the creation of Cubic Fields
  9. Make Field blocks invisible to other players
  10. Make videos on how to setup Protection Fields
  11. Make 1.13 version backwards compatible
  12. Add a separate permission to use each field type as Fields.[Block] (ex. Fields.coal_block, Fields.gold_block). For use level/rank systems on the server.
  13. Add plugin to

To Do

  1. Prevent sand and gravel greif
  2. Make water greif protection slightly less unholy
  3. Add config options for each world.
  4. Make whitelist persistent so that it stays after reloads
  5. Make Personal Player Whitelists
  6. Make possible to add a whole alliance to the shield
  7. Add option to teleport to other Fields like shops.
  8. Auto-Updating version
  9. Add integration with other protection plugins (Worldguard)
  10. Allow field painting


  1. Removing a player from your field moves them outside of the field
  2. Anyone without permission to enter your field will be teleported back outside (Swimming under water/Hacker/Lag inside)
  3. New .yaml options Performance Mode replaces all the glass with an invisible block. This should be easier on people's GPU.
  4. Config option for allowing or disallowing Dropper and Hoppers to fill the center chest
  5. Field drawing bugfix, possible Worldguard compatability fix
  6. Added config file for changing the shield creation materials
  7. Removed this idea. Allow people with access to be able to cut through the glass field if it is up
  8. Made Field display itself to members who are close by.
  9. Made a French language pack.
  10. Fixed bug with Fields not displaying properly after a backup was created
  11. Add possibility to add multiple languages
  12. Add config file for changing the shield material distances
  1. Add config file for changing the power provided by consumed items
  2. Add command to display shield borders
  3. Add editable limit for max number of shields per player
  4. Add infinite power source item, maybe dragon egg
  5. Make ores/ingots last longer than normal materials along with customisable materials table
  6. Make glass colour customisable
  1. Added custom field colours
  2. Added animated field colours
  3. Allows the disabling of colour changing and the setting of default colours in config.
  4. Fixed bug involving multiple worlds and explosions
  5. Added legacy support to automatically update previous field .dat files
  6. Made the distance of different block types configurable
  7. Added automatic config.yml replacer (Custom YML stuff moved to .old file. You will need to manually transfer the config data over.)
  8. Added scheduled field save feature and made it's duration changeable
  9. Added a feature to display some of the code's runtime to the console /pf consoleStats
  10. Added a feature to allow the user to see how long items and stacks burn for. /pf burnTime
  11. Added MANY variants to the same plugin commands to make things easier for people. (e.g. /pf color and /pf colour)
  12. Added a configurable limit to the number of fields players can be the owner of.
  13. Added a way for players to view the full boundaries the shields protects. This privilege can be revoked through permissions.
  14. Added a way for players to view the boundaries in only a small area around the player. This is for low lag.
  15. Added a configurable list of blocks that the field's boundaries can replace.
  16. Added a list of blocks that will provide the field with unlimited power.
  17. Added the ability to set the default amount of time an item burns for.
  18. Added the ability to set the time any specific item burns for.
  19. Added permission nodes to config.yml for convenience.
  20. Added command to allow outsiders to pass through your field. /pf toggleOutsiderPassthrough
  21. Added yml setting to set outsider passthrough default value.
  22. Added permission node for toggling passthrough
  23. Fixed bug where players warping in would warp into the air regardless of if passthrough was set to true or not.
  24. Added a list of permission nodes and commands to the end of the plugin.yml
  25. Added permission node to allow displaying of whole field - Fields.canDisplayAll
  26. Added small integration with Holographic Displays
  27. Added config option to disable or enabled the HolographicDisplays plugin integration.
  28. Fixed a bug where all Field members except owners would be kicked from the Field on reload.
  29. Added config option to change the Check Boarder Radius that blocks players from entering the Field.
  30. Fixed a bug where the incorrect Field material would be shown in /pf info when using uncoloured glass.
  31. Fixed a bug where ender pearls could be used to teleport inside the field. (I thought this wasn't possible)
  32. Updated to 1.9
  33. Removed a few deprecated method calls
  34. Made all fields saved on creation. This will hopefully prevent field structures existing without their functionality due to server crashes.
  35. Fixed bug where when server ran too fast my code wouldn't display text to say a player had entered a field zone
  36. Add option to teleport to your home Field.
  37. Re-design logo.
  38. Fields now understands that glowing redstone (id 73) and redstone (id 74) are the same type of block.

Soft Requirements

None of the following plugins are required. But ProtectionFields will integrate with them if they are there.



Newest version! 1.14


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 25, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License

