
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Finally a simple command to easily add a looping jukebox music track to any area of your world via command blocks.

The plug-in has been tested on 1.6.2 but should work with older versions too.


  • /playmusic <player> <record> [<x> <y> <z>]: Starts a single play of a jukebox record for a player, optionally at a custom x/y/z location. If location isn't specified then the player's current position is used. If triggered before the previous record has finished then the command is ignored.
  • /playmusic <player> <record> ForceStart [<x> <y> <z>]: Starts the jukebox record immediately whether the previous play has finished or not.
  • /playmusic <player> Stop: Stops the music for a given player.

<record> currently only supports Minecraft's built-in music discs: 13, Cat, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, Ward, 11, Wait


To create an area with looping music (such as a world lobby or themed area) attach a command block to a redstone clock circuit (eg. a hopper clock) and add the command "playmusic @a[r=60] Mellohi". Any players within 60 blocks of the command block will hear Mellohi in a loop from their current position.

Equally you could trigger a single play on a redstone event such as a pressure plate or tripwire. Use ForceStart if this should interrupt any music still playing from a previous playmusic command (the plugin will always override music played from a jukebox block).

The music behaves as if it were played by a jukebox, so it has the same range of 65 blocks from the play location and doesn't follow the player until the track restarts. If you want the music to come from a fixed location in your map then enter co-ordinates eg. "playmusic @a[r=60] Mellohi -100 70 150".

By having several command blocks triggered at different times on a clock circuit with different records specified you can create a random play playlist, however different users will hear different songs.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2013
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