Ore Tracker

Ore Tracker

Hey this plugin was not created by me it was created by a fellow member on PureGero. He gave me permission to post it on here. :D

Whats the point of this plugin?
- This plugin was created for some kind of Anti-xray/ xray detection system.
- Its not so much of an anti - xray system cause theirs x-ray texture packs witch aren't effected by Anti-Xray plugins. :(

Does this plugin cause any lag?
Lag in this server depends on the following [Only Storage lag]:
- How many players you have on this server.
- How long the players name.
- Where the chunk is.
- Each ore mined is about 20B [Bytes]
There WILL be no noticeable lag for your players.

Intended uses for this plugins include:
- Ban people if they have to high of a Ore per hour ratio

Basic information
- Simple and easy to use.
- Simple Commands
- Logs all players Ores per hour
- Logs Total ores mined by players
- Logs what chunk an ore was mined in

/orelogger [player, ore, chunk]
player <name> Shows all the ores the player has mined and the amount
ore Shows the total amount of ores mined by all players
chunk Shows ores mined in the current chunk your standing in

There are currently no permissions nor are there any plans for them.

- Add top 10 players with Ores an hour

Having any problems?
Post a comment or submit a ticket :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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