
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

News 1.27.2013


Unfortunately, I've lost interest in plugin development, and am no longer able to reliably keep plugins up to date with the most recent versions of Bukkit.

However, not all plugin developers are the same. I'm aware of one plugin that is very similar to mine, is updated to 1.4.7, and has even more features. I haven't tried it out, but looking at its description, it looks like exactly what you're looking for as a replacement to NoSpawnEggs:

I'm glad you found my plugin to be useful in previous times, however, as I can no longer be reliable in updating it, using this plugin would most likely be the best choice.

Happy server-ing!


Prevent players on a server from using spawner eggs, chicken eggs, Snow and Iron Golems, dispenser spawns, XP bottles, fire charges, boats, minecarts, Ender Pearls and Eyes, and more!

Do you want to run a Creative server, but hate the idea of any user being able to cause what could become infinite lag with Spawn Eggs, Chicken Eggs and Snow Golems? This plugin fixes this problem. You can choose to only allow people with a certain permission to perform certain actions, and it is fully configurable.

Current Downloads

Current Version: 2.0.2 (6/13/12)

Different versions are now included in a zip file. Install the one that you need.

4000 5000 6000 7000 Downloads!


  • Allow the spawning of certain mobs per player or permissions group
  • Allow only certain types of mob (animal, monster, NPC)
  • Prevents the building of Snow Golems (if configured)
  • Prevent Snow Golems only in creative mode (configurable)
  • Allow or deny unknown mobs from being spawned
  • Custom Mob IDs: Allow or block new or modded mobs
  • Chicken egg blocking: Prevent chicken eggs from hatching if configured
  • Also prevent them from spawning out of dispensers
  • Fully configurable messages and mob names
  • Per-world configuration
  • Prevent Iron Golems from being created
  • Block XP bottles from being thrown
  • Prevent spawn eggs and Fire Charges from being used in dispensers
  • Block boats and minecarts from being placed
  • Prevent Ender Pearls and Eyes from being thrown
  • Select the version of the plugin that best fits your needs

1-1 1-2 1-3


Permissions Nodes

Any modern permissions system is supported!



Config help is now on the GitHub wiki.


GitHub will no longer be used. Source files can be found in the JAR, in /me/goosemonkey/NoSpawnEggs2/.

To Do

I'll implement one of these features if it gets enough support. Feel free to suggest your own!

  • Allow mobs to be spawned once every x seconds
  • Configure whether Ops have all permissions
  • Charging players money (Vault) to use items
  • Using WorldGuard regions
  • Dispenser permissions
  • Give me an idea!


If you find a bug, create a ticket. If your ticket isn't responded to within a reasonable amount of time, post it in the comments. Always include the Stacktrace (if there is one) and tell me how I can reproduce it!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 27, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 13, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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