
NoSpawn - A simple mob control plugin:

Version: v1.9.6

Yes, it works with 1.8!


  • Prevent any mob you don't like form spawning
  • Very easy to use
  • Works with multiworlds
  • Configure each world individual
  • Edit config on the fly!
  • Block mobs from specific blocks
  • Spawn mobs with a command though they are blocked!
  • Permissions support!(Vault, Bukkit Permissions and OP)
  • Optional limit the number of Mobs
  • Allow/Deny spawner Eggs
  • Allow/Deny spawns from spawners
  • Allow/Deny jockey spawns

Notice:Bukkit updates shouldn't break this plugin so if the version in the file discription is lower than the actual bukkit version it should work fine :)


After installing the plugin (just put the .jar file into your plugin directory) it will create a NoSpawn folder within your plugin directory.

In this folder there will be a configuration file where you can choose which mobs are allowed or not.

The global block blacklist blocks all mobs to spawn on the specified blocks on the specific world.
It can individually be enabled and disabled for each mob (default is enabled), to see how look at the commands.

If the global block blacklist is enabled it will add to the blacklist of the specific mob for example:

All mobs are forbidden to spawn on grass and cobblestone, but in addition only pigs shouldn't spawn on cleanstone too. So you add the cleanstone to the blacklist of the pig and they complement one another.

If you don't want a mob to spawn on specific blocks you can put these blocks on the blacklist for the specific mob.

Please separate the block id's with a ";" (without the quotes), this syntax is used for the global block blacklist too.

See example below:


    RefreshTimer: 20000





                spawn: false

                BlockBlacklist: ''

                Limit: 1

                UseGlobalBlockBlacklist: true


                spawn: true

                BlockBlacklist: 2;3

                Limit: 0

                UseGlobalBlockBlacklist: true


                spawn: true

                BlockBlacklist: '1'

                Limit: 3

                UseGlobalBlockBlacklist: false





                        TotalMobLimit: 10
                        GlobalBlockBlacklist: 1;4
                        AllowSpawnerSpawn: false
                        AllowEggSpawn: false
                        DenyJockeySpawn: false

After restarting/reloading your server the unwanted mobs will be disabled on the configured world.

Note: If you have more than one entry in the blacklist the quotes will disappear but the plugin will still load the blacklist!

If you don't want to blacklist some blocks you can ignore the Blacklist.

The limit option sets a maximum of mobs of that mobtype that can spawn.

In the example above the maximal number of sheep for example is 3 so there are only 3 sheep on the whole world.

If you set the limit to 0 (default) the limit is disabled.

The TotalMobLimit sets a total maximum of ALL mobs on the world, so if you set it for example to 10 there will only be 10 monsters on the entire world.

The RefreshTimer is an option that tells the plugin in how often it will check the number of mobs on the world. The default is 20000 ms (20 seconds).

The config node "world" is the name of the world you configure.

The plugin will detect new worlds automatically if they are loaded and adds them to the configuration file so you don't need to add them.


If you want to configure the plugin from the game you can use :

/nospawn allowspawn <worldname> <mobname> : To allow a mob to spawn
/nospawn denyspawn <worldname> <mobname> : To block the mob

This will change the plugin on the fly and you don't need to reload anything!

If you want to despawn a certain type of mobs you can use:

/nospawn despawn <worldname> <mobname>

To change the limits you can use:

/nospawn setmoblimit <worldname> <mobname> <ammount> : To limit a certain mob
/nospawn settotalmoblimit <worldname> <ammount> : To limit all mobs

If you want to change the timer you can use:

/nospawn settimer <milliseconds>

To enable or disable the global block blacklist for a specific mob use:

/nospawn usegbbl <world> <mob> <true/false>

To edit the global block blacklist use:

/nospawn addgbbl <world> <blockID> to add a blockID to the list
/nospawn delgbbl <world> <blockID> to delete a blockID from the list

To edit the block blacklist use:

/nospawn addbl <world> <mob> <blockID> to add a blockID to the list
/nospawn delbl <world> <mob> <blockID> to delete a blockID from the list

To reload the config use:

/nospawn reloadconf


You can use this commands if you are an OP or if you have installed permissions and use these permissions:

  • nospawn.allowspawn
  • nospawn.denyspawn
  • nospawn.despawn
  • nospawn.setmoblimit
  • nospawn.settotalmoblimit
  • nospawn.settimer
  • nospawn.useglobalblockblacklist
  • nospawn.editglobalblockblacklist
  • nospawn.editblockblacklist
  • nospawn.reloadconfig


NoSpawn uses the Metrics system to collect some data to determine the usage of the plugin.
This will help the plugin developers to see how many servers are using the plugin and what versions these servers are running,
If you don't want this, edit /plugins/NoSpawn/config.yml and set sendMetrics to false

If there are questions or errors please post them so I can fix it ;)


If you like my plugin, feel free to donate some Bitcoin or via PayPal (Donate button at the top right hand corner)

Bitcoin address:


Version 1.7.2

  • Added commands to reload the config and to edit the blacklists ingame

Version 1.7.1

  • NPE fix if global blacklist contains nothing....

Version 1.7

  • Added a global block blacklist


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 22, 2011
  • Last Released File
    May 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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