Network Server Manager

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Network Server Manager

Network Server Manager


Network Server Manager is a plugin which allows you to connect all your servers on your network together, it allows you to execute commands between them, view server performances (TPS, etc), automatically cap a server's player limit when they start to lag, restart servers when they crash and much more. The service can be accessed in game via a menu and online too. For it to work you need to install SMCore on your servers, and SMHost on your network's VPS/dedicated server/java enabled device/bungeecord (For them to communicate with). More information can be found at


  • Execute commands on other servers (or all)
  • (Coming soon) - Schedule scripts for servers to execute (eg. Backups)
  • (Coming soon) - Remotely install plugins, restart, reload, open/close and communicate with servers
  • View server performance (TPS, memory, etc...)
  • View how many players on a server
  • Option to automatically restart the server when it crashes
  • (Coming soon) - API for other plugins to use it to also communicate across servers
  • (Coming soon) - Broadcast messages across all servers
  • Option to cap players if the server starts to show signs of strain
  • ...And much more! The possibilities are endless!

What this doesn't do

  • Allow players to change servers in-game, this requires a proxy and can be done using Spigot's Bungeecord, although you'll still want this plugin for all the awesome stuff!

Online access and SMHost download

(Coming soon)

Commands and Permissions

/serverlistservermanager.userView all the servers, their TPS and how many people are on it, etc..
/servermanagerservermanager.adminIn-game access to administrative tools (Currently just view the servers)


  • Multiple minecraft servers with the plugin installed on
  • A useable TCP port for the host service (other than the default minecraft connection one, this can normally be provided by hosts if you ask)
  • Currently a VPS/server/bungee to run the host service on, but I hope to make that an integrated part of the plugin too in the future.
  • Knowledge of running Minecraft Servers


  1. Download the ZIP
  2. Install the SMHost.jar on your VPS/server/bungee.
  3. Open a TCP port for SMHost to use (Same as opening for Minecraft)
  4. Decide a Pass Phrase to use with all Servers to (symmetrically) encrypt data
  5. Launch SMHost with the following 'java -jar SMHost.jar <Port> <PassPhrase>' That's the host setup! Give yourself a pat on the back!
  6. On all servers you wish to connect, install the SMCore.jar (Bukkit Plugin)
  7. Start the (Bukkit) server, this will generate a config file; then stop it.
  8. In the config set the host ip to the IP of the host service.
  9. In the config set the host port to the PORT of the host service.
  10. In the config set the pass phrase (SecurityKey) to the same as the host service uses
  11. In the config set the server name, eg. 'Lobby', or 'Survival Games #1' and the description, 'Eg. A SG server' Yay, you're all setup! Now just edit the config to turn on/off the features you want (eg. auto restart)


Only available in SMCore v0.2 or above (Currently only available from
Javadoc: here
Lib for the build path: here
Maven: repo: "" GroupID:"org.stormdev" ArtifactID:"ServerManagerAPI"
Sample plugin:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 14, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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