
Nerf those Nether portals!


Taken from Minecraft Wiki: "Horizontal coordinates and distances in the Nether are proportional to the Overworld in a 1:8 ratio. That is, by moving 1 block horizontally in the Nether, players have moved the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld. This does not apply on the Y-axis, despite the Nether having only 128 layers. Thus, for a given location (X, Y, Z) in the Overworld, the corresponding coordinates in the Nether are (X ÷ 8, Y, Z ÷ 8). Conversely, for a location (X, Y, Z) in the Nether, the matching Overworld coordinates are (X × 8, Y, Z × 8)" Excerpt was edited for convenience.


Whether you hate having to calculate where to place a portal in the Nether to achieve a certain coordinate in the Overworld, or are annoyed by players traveling vast distances 8x as fast, this plugin may be the solution for you!

You're able to set the ratio between the Nether and the Overworld via a configuration file. This allows for you to change the behaviors of how Nether portals (both going to and coming from the Nether) decide where, in the incoming dimension, to place or search for a destination portal!

Note: The worlds themselves aren't actually coded to exist in a 1:8 ratio, but rather simply as a player steps into a Nether portal, an instantaneous calculation is done on the incoming dimension as to where the target Nether portal's coordinates should be. This plugin merely reverse engineers this calculation to allow you to manipulate the ratio to be whatever you want.


There are no commands!


There are no permissions either!


All you have to do is drop this plugin into the "plugins" folder and when it's loaded for the first time, a respective folder and config file will be created. Observe the following configuration:

nether-ratio: 3
overworld-ratio: 5

Notice that "nether-ratio" is set to 3 and "overworld-ratio" is set to 5. This translates to - "For every 3 blocks traveled in the nether, five blocks are traveled in the Overworld." These values can be set to any integers greater than 0. By default, they adhere to Vanilla Minecraft standards (nether-ratio: 1, overworld-ratio: 8).


An updated changelog can be viewed under the latest available download.

Please test, report bugs, leave feedback, and give suggestions. Enjoy!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 11, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 12, 2013
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