Mini Items Plugin

Mini Items

Some of the custom "blocks" added.

Mini Items, is a plugin that allows you to spawn miniature versions of certain blocks, with a command. There's a few examples of the certain blocks that you can spawn above. The reason why I made this plugin was because, recently I saw that a few people had bought Minecraft accounts, JUST to use the heads as custom blocks in game and since some of my players had already started using these, I thought I would make it a little easier for them, so I made this plugin which would spawn the heads for them, by using a command.

How to install Mini Items

  1. Download the plugin and put it into your plugins folder.
  2. Restart your server.
  3. You're done.

Adding new items

  1. Go into plugins/MiniItems
  2. Open config.yml
  3. Go to the very bottom and add the following
  4. - <command line name>,<Username>,<Item Name>

How to use Mini Items

  1. Go in game and type the following.
  2. /mi list - This will give you a full list of the items that you can spawn.
  3. Then write /mi <item> <amount> - To spawn the miniature version of the item you want.


miniitems.spawn - Allows a player to spawn the items. Using /mi <item>

miniitems.list - Allows a player to list the items. Using /mi <list>

Feature / Non Feature list

  • You CAN spawn these blocks with a command.
  • You CAN list these blocks with a command.
  • You CAN give people a permission to be able to use the command.
  • You CAN give people OP to be able to use the commands.
  • You CAN NOT craft these blocks.


An item list can be found here.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Nov 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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